Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 1

"When the wintry winds are blowing and the snow is starting in to fall,
then my eyes turn west-ward, knowing that's the place I love the best of all.
California, I've been blue, since I've been away from you.
I can't wait 'til I get going.
Even now I'm starting in to call, Oh...

California, here I come right back where I started from.
Where Bowers of flowers bloom in the sun.
Each morning at dawning, birdies sing an' everything.
A sunkist miss said, "Don't be late" that's why I can hardly wait.
Open up that Golden Gate,
California here I come." 

---Al Jolson, "California Here I Come" 
This morning I packed up my life and left Indiana to begin a new chapter and the final step to finishing my college degree.  Beginning February 1st, I will be the newest intern at NAMM ( in Carlsbad, California.  After three and a half years of hard work in the classroom, it is now time to step out into the real world and put everything I have learned to the test.  I will be living in California for the next six months working in every department at NAMM.  I hope this experience brings me insight to the music industry and helps me to decide exactly what I want to do with my life.

My mother and I are taking this adventure to California together...sort of one last mother/daughter adventure before I am gone for awhile.  We are driving approximately 2250 miles (33 hours) over 4 days.  Our first stop is Springfield, MO which is where I am blogging right now.  Today's ride was fairly uneventful.  We drove through snow in northern Indiana, stopped in Terre Haute, Indiana to eat lunch with my boyfriend Adam, and continued through Illinois and Missouri to arrive in Springfield.  We occupied our time in the car with talking, music, and games. We began playing the license plate game (so far we have 21 states and 1 province) and we also played 20 questions which was pretty amusing.  Three more days until we are in sunny California :-)

Last night, while having dinner with my best friend, she drew this abstract picture of my trip as a way to remember her:
This is why I love her!  I think it either looks like a camel or a dinosaur...Mom actually called it a dinosaur butterfly, or a buttersaur! the way...I am using this blog to follow my adventures throughout this internship but I am also going to try to do the 365 day photo contest.  Therefore, this is Day 1.

Until tomorrow...

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