Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 8

"We can break the cycle - We can break the chain
We can start all over - In the new beginning
We can learn, we can teach
We can share the myths the dream the prayer
The notion that we can do better
Change our lives and paths
Create a new world and

Start all over..."

---Tracy Chapman, "New Beginning"

Today's post is all about beginning something new.  Mom and I spent the day today with my cousin Steven down in San Diego.  Much of our conversations were based on new beginnings.  Steven recently began school again to receive a degree in Geographic Information Systems.  He is also starting a new job on Monday...two new beginnings for him.  I just moved 2000 miles away from family and friends and I am beginning an internship that may or may not determine the rest of my life...two new beginnings for me.

Day 8...two people with new beginnings on the horizon...

The more I talk to people out here, the more I wonder where I will go in six months when this internship is over.  Will I be ready to go home?  Will I want to stay here forever?  Will I want to go somewhere completely new and different?  Almost every single person I have talked to so far (including two family members, my landlords, and my banker) have mentioned that I am not going to want to leave after six months.  I am already seeing why I may feel that way at the end of July.  I cannot imagine being 2000 miles away from my family all the time but if the opportunity presents itself, I can see staying in the SoCal area for longer than my six month term as an intern.

Every day of this adventure marks the first day of the rest of my life...who knows where it will take me but I guarantee its going to be a great ride.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be given lots of directions, advice, tips and suggestions from people of very different backgrounds. While, none of it will be your sole destiny, all of it is strictly for your reference. Keep your own goals in sight and you will be able to decipher what’s of value to you and what will detour you. You are the only one who can make those decisions. It's a fact of life that those who love you will never know exactly how you feel. However, those who love you are here for you in every way possible. When you envision good times ahead, chances are you’re already in them and the opposite is equally true. A smile will take you further than anything else you can imagine.
