Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 175 and 176

"What if I fall
If I fall in love with you
I'll give you something that
You never even knew
Everybody wants to say
That we should take our time
I want to fall in love tonight"

---Mark Russell, "Her Song"

I know what you all are thinking..."she didn't write AGAIN?!?!" but I promise I have a good excuse!  Well at least it is a good excuse to me and I have several goodies for you for accepting my excuse!  First off...let me say that yesterday was my FINAL Friday in the office at NAMM!  How freaking crazy is that?!  It was a really quiet day around the office which is strange since it was the last week before the show.  I did a lot of nothing or trying to find things to do at work.  The pennies were back and put to good use which I think everyone enjoyed...
After work, I journeyed to San Diego to hang out with Steven (my cousin) and go downtown to the Hard Rock Cafe to see Mark Russell perform!!  We took the trolley from Steven's apartment down there which was a lot of fun and was cheaper than trying to find a place to park once we got downtown.  (side note...I never knew HOW many homeless there were in downtown San Diego!!!  We passed down one street where there were literally 20-30 homeless making their home on the sidewalk!)  When we finally got a table at the Hard Rock we were super excited because it was right next to the stage!  Little did we know that Mark would be performing on the opposite side of the stage...where there was a giant column right in the middle!  We had to do a little re-arranging to figure out how we both could see but we made it work.  Here are a few pictures of the night...

Oh!!! I forgot to mention the most important part of the evening....Mark performed the song that he wrote for me!!!!  He promised me the very FIRST time I met him that he would write me a song...and like 4 years later I finally got to see my song performed live (I just heard it for the first time about a month ago...he didn't write it until about a month ago HAHA)  Here is a video of Mark performing my song from last night...sorry about the background is a restaurant and a lot of people were talking around us but you can really hear Mark on the choruses:
Amazing, right?!?!?!  I can't believe someone actually wrote a song for me! :-) Steven says it is bound to be a #1 hit!

As for today...this morning I went to see "Horrible Bosses" with Bonnie at a theater in Vista.  It was a lot funnier than I was expecting it to me!  Some parts were pretty predictable but we both enjoyed the movie a lot.  Then Bonnie took me out to lunch at Chili's!  We enjoyed good food and great company.  I am really going to miss her when I move back home but I hope that we can keep in touch.  This afternoon I had a long conversation with my landlords while sitting out in front of my apartment.  It was a nice and relaxing Saturday.  Tomorrow I have to start playing the packing game...I probably should have started today but I procrastinated so I guess I really have to do it tomorrow!

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