Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 38

"With lies you may get ahead in the world
But you can never go back"

---Russian Proverb

Dishonesty... lack of honesty or integrity: disposition to defraud or deceive.  This has become so much a part of many American's lives.  There is even a show about lying (probably more than one...), "Pretty Little Liars" which is actually based off of a series of books.  The girls on this show continue to lie and as their lies pile up, they all come crumbling down.  There is a lot of hurt, a lot of heartache, and a lot of people lose trust in each other.  Lies seem to be the basis for all relationships falling apart.  The truth can hurt but in the end it is the best choice.

People lie about little things and big things.  They lie about who they are, their relationships with people, and what they have.  Are these lies suppose to make them look better?  What happens when the truth comes out...because it always does!  I have been hurt by lies in the past.  I have also been hurt by truths...however, I have decided that the truth is always the way to go.  I never want to hurt someone by lying to them...especially not someone that I love.

The Day 38 picture is of the girls from "Pretty Little Liars"
I hope that this picture and what happens on this show reminds me that telling the truth is always the best.  Lies will come crashing down and although the truth may hurt, lies always hurt more.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 37

"Don't you turn your back on me,
Don't you walk away.
Don't you tell me that I don't care,
Cause' I do.

Don't you tell me, I'm not the one,
Don't you tell me, I ain't no fun,
Just tell me you love me, like I love you.
You know you do.

When we're together,
Clear skies are clear, oh.
And I'll share them, till where I'm less depressed.
And it's sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,
I just can't take it when we're apart.

We belong together,
We belong together.
Yes, we do,
You'll be mine, forever.

We belong together,
We belong together.
Oh, it's true,
It's gonna stay this way, forever,
Me and you." 

---Randy Newman, "We Belong Together"

This song won Best Original Song in a Movie this year at the Academy Awards!  It was a song in "Toy Story 3"....the cutest animated movie I have seen in years!  I laughed...I cried...and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie and remembering back to the first two Toy Story movies which came out when I was a child.  Watching the Oscars tonight, reminds me of the amount of movies I have NEVER seen!  Some of which I actually want to see and some I could care less.  I am really looking forward to finding a RedBox out here and renting "The Social Network" sometime soon!  Not only have I been told what a great movie it is, it won for best original score which means it has great music!  Once I watch, I will be sure to report back and let you know if it was worth all the hype!

The finale for the Oscars is amazing!!! A choir of 5th grade kids from PS22 in Staten Island, New York singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"! They sound absolutely amazing!  It seriously brought a tear to my eye.  It is moments like this that make me wonder how school systems could ever cut music from the school systems.  Music is clearly such an important part of learning and schools.  Thank your music teachers....they work hard every day to bring music to kids.  I do not know where I would be without my amazing music teachers who encouraged me to stay involved in music throughout my schooling.

So Day 37 pictures are dedicated to those who have inspired me and kept me involved in music...

Just three of my favorite band directors...and only three of my amazing music teachers I have had over the years!  Thank you to Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Block, Mrs. Rupert (Dale), Mr. Taylor, Mr. Sapp, Mr. Branam, Mr. Klee, Mr. Smekens, Mrs. Butler, DK, Dr. Ballad, Dr. Piechocinski, Alex, Glen, Doc Mitchell, and all of the rest of the professors at ISU.

Now to completely change the subject...I have decided I am SOOOOOO glad I am not in classes right now.  Today, a friend texted me and told me that she was about to ask me how my paper was going before she realized that I am not writing a paper because I am not in class!!!  It is still pretty weird to believe that I never have to write another paper, take another test, or attend another class.  And it makes it even stranger that majority of my friends are still in classes.  YAY FOR BEING OUT OF SCHOOL!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 36

"Do you know that it gets cold in California (Sure do)
Well, I guess I'll miss my home in Tennessee
(I'm goin' to Memphis, I'm goin', I'm goin' to Memphis)
Be sure to bring your coat to California
When you come find me
(When come find me)"

---Ingram Hill, "Cold in California"

Today was "the coldest day of the year" in California!  With the rain and weather that has been coming around recently, California has been unnaturally cold for the last week or so.  It has been ten degrees below the average temperature for this time of year.  It is amusing to walk around outside with everyone bundled up in heavy jackets and scarfs and such.  I even saw a few people wearing what I would consider a winter coat.  I was walking around outside in a t-shirt feeling just fine!  I guess that's what I get for coming from Indiana...I'm still not completely used to the warmth of California.

Instead of going out in the "cold" today, I stayed around the apartment and got some cleaning and such done that I had been putting off!  Now my apartment is nice and clean, my laundry is put away, and the dishes are done!  I even had time to make myself a de-lish dinner which brings me to Day 36
 Now this may not look very good but let me assure you, this CrockPot Lasagna is absolutely AMAZING!!! Just put all the ingredients into the CrockPot and let it sit on low for at least 4 hours!!! It doesn't come out looking like real lasagna but its just as good!  After dinner I baked cookies and now my apartment is not only clean, but smells amazing!!!  I have to work tomorrow so I think I am just going to watch a little more TV and head to bed early! :-)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 35

"Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me!

Hey, there!
Hi, there!
Ho, there!
Your're as welcome as can be!

Mickey Mouse!(donald duck)mickey mouse!(donald duck)
forever let us hold our banner high
(high! high! high!)"

---Disney, "Mickey Mouse March"

Today I visited the land of the mouse....Anaheim, California.  Sadly, my trip was not to visit DisneyLand and was actually work related.  I took the entire day to go up to Anaheim with one of my co-workers, Ann, to attend a seminar called "Powerful Communication Skills for Women."  There were about 40 women who attended this seminar and it was neat to interact with those trying to better themselves in their workplace.  The facilitator was named Gail Cohen and she was a hoot!  The entire seminar was very interactive and forced everyone to break out of their comfort zone just a little bit.  We were placed in groups and then moved around in order to talk to people we hadn't interacted with yet throughout the day.  Gail gave us lots of ideas on topics like assertiveness in the workplace and public speaking.  One of the things she taught us throughout the day that I found very interesting was something she started with us at the beginning of the day.  Whenever she would ask a question and the answer was yes, we all had to raise our right arm in the air and yell out "absolutely!" while bringing our arm back down.  (Kind of hard to describe...I hope you get the picture)  Towards the end of the day, Gail shared with us that this served two purposes.  It was a way to get the audience involved right from the beginning but it was also used as a transition tool for her during her speaking.  She said that by getting us all to say "absolutely" it gave her a chance to regroup and begin a new topic.  When I thought back on the day, I realized that she really did use this silly little process as a transitional tool.

It was great to spend the day out of the office and now I am enjoying a quiet evening in the apartment.  I took a nice relaxing bath and then did my nails.  Now I am going to watch a movie and go to bed early I think. :-)

The Day 35 picture is of the movie I am going to pop in...

Liz and I LOVE watching this movie when we are together!  It is such a cute story :-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 34

"I said don't do it babe
Said it ain't worth it babe
But you did it anyway
Four or five drinks and you were on your way
Everything's cool on the straight away
But you took that turn doing eighty-five in a thirty-five
Why babe?

Every time I'm home I pass that road

Driving alone and the street feels cold
Seeing your face yeah it's haunting me
My mind goes crazy tryin' to figure out
Just where you would be four years from now
And what you were thinking when the lights came down
Doctors were trying to save you for three damn hours"

---Jesse McCartney, "Invincible"

Life is short.  You never know when your entire world could come crashing down.  It is always unfair when a young person's life is taken from them.  It is scary for the people who surround them and even people who have just come in contact with them.  In the past 24 hours, I was reminded of just how short life can be.  A week ago, a person I went to high school with was in a horrible plane crash.  He was the pilot of the plane and him and his passenger did a nose dive into a wooded area in western Indiana.  He was unconscious in the plane while he waited for help to arrive.  Upon his rescue, he was rushed to an Indianapolis hospital and there has been little updates since.  This morning I received a text saying that Tony passed away.  I have since heard that he was declared brain dead but he is not officially deceased.  It is crazy to think that someone I graduated high school with, a talented, nice, down to earth guy, is fighting for his life.  His family and friends have not given up hope but it is hard to think he can come back from this.

I have also received news that a young man who I know has been diagnosed with cancer.  An incredible boy, who is only a freshman in college, is now fighting the disease that so many others have lost the battle against.  Many people, however, have beat it and I hope that this strong young man is one of those many.  This brings me to the point of this post....

Live life to the fullest.  Never take a day for granted.  Do everything you want to do in life and do not put it off until tomorrow because you never know when there may not be a tomorrow.  Tell everyone how you feel...don't be cryptic.  They deserve to know and you deserve the right to tell them.  Fulfill your dreams every day and if you do then there are no regrets down the road.  None if us are invincible and no one knows when their time will come.

The picture for Day 34 is an example of how I am living life to the fullest...
I'm moving up in the NAMM world!  I now have my own office...with a view!!! maybe its not really related to the topic at hand but it is a little more uplifting and exciting.  And maybe its not officially MINE but for the next several weeks, I have been relocated from my little desk to this lovely office.  I am working on a project which requires more desk space and an enclosed room so I do not disturb other workers.  I am scanning documents that were left to NAMM by Henry Steinway that date back to the beginning of the Steinway company.  Henry Steinway filed folders on each and every company who ever sold a Steinway Piano.  It is really cool to look through the folders and see all the old pictures and a glimpse into the relationships that Mr. Steinway had with his distributors.

Tomorrow I am heading to Anaheim for the whole day to go to a seminar.  More on that tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 33

"Tiptoe through the window
By the window, that is where I'll be
Come tiptoe through the tulips with me

Oh, tiptoe from the garden
By the garden of the willow tree
And tiptoe through the tulips with me

Knee deep in flowers we'll stray
We'll keep the showers away
And if I kiss you in the garden, in the moonlight
Will you pardon me?
And tiptoe through the tulips with me"

---Tim Tiny, "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" 

Tonight's blog does not have any nifty thoughts or anything particularly is simply some pretty pictures of the beautiful flowers I received for my birthday!

Day 33 has pictures of tulips, irises, orchids, and a few other flowers here and there

Maybe tomorrow I will have something more exciting to say...but until then, Enjoy the beauty!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 32

"You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you."

---The Beatles, "Birthday"

Today is a very special day to is my 22nd birthday!  Twenty two years ago, today, I was brought into this world by the most loving mother and father a girl could ask for.  I can never repay them for the gift they have given me over the past 22 years....the gift of life!!!  Thanks Mom and Dad :-)

Even though I spent the day at was a great birthday filled with lots of love and fun!  It began with a phone call at 2AM from my very best friend, Michelle! (yes Michelle...I actually woke up when you called but I didn't want you to feel bad so I didn't tell you)  My birthday was announced at the 9:05 at work....what is a 9:05 you might ask?  Every morning at 9:05, the entire NAMM staff gathers in the center of the office building to have a quick meeting about what is going on in each department.  The department heads stand in the center in a small circle and any other employees who can make it (usually its almost everyone) surround the outside of the smaller circle.  We even conference call any department heads who happen to not be in the office but need to say something.  It is a great way for everyone in the office to stay informed and it normally only lasts about 5 minutes so it does not take up too much work time.  Now, back to my birthday...Five of my co-workers accompanied me to lunch down the street from the office today.  We enjoyed a great lunch with good conversation.  I was even sang to by everyone and the waiter when I was brought a free birthday warm cookie a la mode complete with a candle on top to blow out!  When we returned to the office and everyone got back to work, I was told that I had some stuff on my desk that had come for me.  I walked back to my desk and found some beautiful flowers, a balloon, and a bear waiting on my desk from my family.  I then looked on my chair and I had a box that said "ProFlowers" sitting on the chair.  When I opened the box, I found some beautiful tulips sent to me by my wonderful boyfriend, Adam!

Day 32 shows my beautiful gifts I received at work...
I will take some better pictures tomorrow on my new camera and post them so everyone can admire the beauty.  The flowers on the far left are the ones from Adam...Red tulips and I am not sure what the blue flowers are but maybe I will find out when they bloom!  The center bouquet is the one from my parents....beautiful purple flowers, a bear, and the balloon!  The far right is not actually from my birthday but they evened out the picture...gorgeous orchids donated to NAMM by a local orchid farmer for our Valentine's Day event.  When NAMM was done with them, they allowed employees to take some orchids home.  I spent the rest of my evening hanging around my apartment and enjoying some quiet time.  Thank you to everyone who made my birthday special!

Another wonderful thing about February 22 is that it is World Thinking Day for the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world (I really was born to be a Girl Scout!)  Thinking Day is a day where girls participate in activities, games, and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries.  When I was younger, our troop would spend Thinking Day by honoring another culture by learning about their culture, making a craft that represents that culture, and creating a food from that culture.  I remember my very first Thinking Day...our troop represented the Hawaiian culture.  We dressed in hula outfits, made paper flowers for our hair and to hand out to others, and created a Hawaiian treat for everyone to try.  Another memorable Thinking Day was when we represented Jordan.  We created some form of SWAP with Arabic writing (isn't this right, Mom? or am I thinking of something else?) and we made Awful Falafel (as we called it).  We then changed our snack to hummus and pita bread because we figured that would be more appetizing.  Great memories come from Thinking Day.  So happy Thinking Day to everyone...I hope you take the time to think about someone across the world and wish them well.

One final wonderful thing about February 22.  It was February 22, 2003 when my Aunt Donna and cousin Jessie went with me to Chicago on a whim to see a brand new artist, Stevie Brock perform in a mall.  He performed only three songs and yet we drove 4 hours and spent the night in Chicago just to see him perform (ok well that's why I went although I think Aunt Donna and Jessie just went to humor me).  But that day was the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
 This little 12 year old boy stole my heart and has since become a GREAT friend and an amazing musician and inspiration to all. Now, at 20 years old, he is someone to look up to and learn from.  He sets a great example for all those young and old to never give up on your dreams.  Eventually your day will come so be ready for it.

And now that I have written a novel about February 22, it is time to put this day to rest...see you next year 2/22!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 31

"We sign our cards and letters BFF
You've got a million ways to make me laugh
You're lookin' out for me, you've got my back
So good to have you around

You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I'm quiet you break through my shell
Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
'Cause you keep my feet on the ground

You're a true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again
You're a true friend"

---Miley Cyrus, "True Friend"

A best friend is someone you can turn to no matter what the circumstances.  It is not necessarily someone you see every day.  It does not have to be someone you even talk to every day.  But they are someone, who when you talk with them, it is like no time has passed since the last conversation.  It is rare to have several best friends but I can honestly say that I have several best friends.  Each one of them has affected my life in a way I will never forget.  Each one of them is completely different and yet they each complete my life.  I could not live without them.

"Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart."
Day 31

2,600 miles away from me, in State College, Pennsylvania is a girl celebrating her 22nd birthday tonight.  This girl, Jacinta Naomi Dorsey is my BEST friend!  I have known Jacinta since I was five years old.  We began kindergarten together at Lake Anne Elementary and have been friends ever since.  In the last 17 years, we have had so many memories and have been through so much.  We have shared laughs, tears, broken bones, inside jokes, adventures, a move, memories...and through it all, we have remained best friends!  Remember that time you stuck a paper clip into a light socket in first grade?  How about in Fort Wayne when we went on a mastodon hunt?  What about our 4th grade trip to Jamestown/Williamsburg?  Things I will never forget.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACY! You will always be my best friend!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 30

"Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you

That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave"

---Maroon 5, "Sunday Morning"

I can't believe I have been blogging for a full 30 days already!  It seems like just yesterday Mom and I were beginning our drive out to California.  Today I worked in the museum all day.  We were sooo busy all day!  Every time I would try to get something done, more people would come in!  Good for the museum but not the best for getting things done while at work.  It was definitely a learning experience because the amount of people who came through the museum meant that I had more work in the store and museum.  Several items in the interactive room broke throughout the day and it was my job to either fix it or figure out what we should do.

After a crazy day at work, I was happy to come home and make a de-lish dinner!  Day 30...
Yummy beef and broccoli and CRAB RANGOON!!! I was so excited when I found frozen crab rangoon in the store!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 29

"I did it like this
I did it like that
And it always comes back some how
And I don't know how to break this pattern down

I think I've been here before

I think I've run into you
I know the things that you do
Cause this is Deja Vu
Whoa Whoa
This is Deja Vu
Whoa Whoa
This is Deja Vu"

---3Oh!3, "Deja Vu"

Today was my first day with absolutely NO plans since I started my internship.  I was super excited about sleeping in but my body woke me up at 6:30...7...and 8 until I was up for good.  I enjoyed a very lazy morning before deciding to take a drive up the coast to see what I could see.  When I got into Orange County I began recognizing small things about the area.  It was as if I had been there before.  Finally, in Dana Point, I passed by a McDonald's and KNEW I had been there before.  I immediately realized that it was the McDonald's I stopped at two years earlier after first visiting the NAMM building with the ISU students.  I found it weird that as I was driving towards this area on the Coast Highway that I was beginning to think that I had been there before.  Then when I saw the McDonald's...I knew!  It was major deja vu!!

Then, when I was driving on my way home on the 5 I passed another area that I specifically remember visiting in 2009.  Day 29 is a picture that was taken at Vista Point which is just a little stopping area with a view of the ocean opposite of Camp Pendleton on the 5.
Although this is just a parking lot RIGHT off of the highway, with no buildings or anything...just a parking lot...when I passed it today I knew it was the same spot.  I never knew the name of this place we fact, I didn't realize it had a name until I was driving by this afternoon!!  Funny how certain things are very vivid in our memories and others are just faint pictures.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 28

"Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold. 

A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend."

Here's to new friends!  So far, I am blown away by the openness and niceness of everyone out here in California.  Everyone has been so willing to include me and make sure that I have things to do and people to meet until I get on my feet and have my own friends.  Tonight I was invited to Bonnie's house (a lady from work) to eat dinner with her and one of her daughters (Holly) who is a few years older than I am.  Bonnie did not HAVE to invite me over and let me into her house but she thought it would be fun for me to meet her daughter.  Now, both Bonnie and her daughter are hoping to take me out on the town throughout my internship to make sure I see all the cool stuff in the area.  Bonnie even gave me left overs from the meal for me to take home for later.  I am so glad that people are so welcoming and I can't wait to hang out with Holly and Bonnie some more over the next six months.

On another rained today!  It NEVER rains in southern California!!  I have decided that what everyone has told me about California drivers in the rain is SOOO true!  They act as if it is snow!  On the 5 on my way to Bonnie's, people were going like 20 miles an hour.  Not because there was a lot of traffic but because it was RAINING! C'mon people! So the Day 28 picture is of rain...
Let's hope that it does not rain TOO much while I am out here :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 27

"Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red?
And what the hell is on Joey's head?

And this is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we'd ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneaking out"
---Nickleback, "Photograph"

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away."

---Eudora Welty

I spent the entire day today with photographs!  I am in the process...a very LONG process...of helping the Resource Center and MarCom (marketing and communication) to rename ALL of their photographs on the server.  There are thousands and thousands of pictures from the NAMM shows alone on the server not to mention all of the other events and happenings that there are pictures of.  I started today with the Summer NAMM 08 pictures as a tester and I am amazed at the amount of time it really takes to rename ALL the pictures.  I probably got about half way through this album today but I spent a good 6 hours working on these pictures.  This project is really fun for me because I am able to see much of Summer NAMM which is exciting because that is what my entire internship leads up to and I have never gone before.  I am excited to, throughout six months, get through a lot of the pictures and see what has gone on at NAMM shows in the past and what I have missed out on at the shows I have gone to.

And speaking of photos...Day 27...
 I never realized how annoying a smoke alarm could be!  This evening I was cooking in my kitchen when all of the sudden my smoke alarm started going off!!!!!  I have NO idea why...there was no smoke in my apartment and nothing I was cooking was burning.  I went to try and shut it off and it would NOT stop.  Steve, my landlord, came down when he went outside and heard it going off and we tried everything to get it to stop.  After about 7 minutes of the high deafening sound it finally stopped.  I think my ears are still ringing a little but at least I know that it would alert me if there ever were a real doubt that I would wake up to that sound.

I am so excited that tomorrow is Friday :-) 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 26

I will never say never
(I will fight)
I will fight till forever
(Make it right)

Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up
Up, up, up, up, up and never say never

Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never

---Justin Bieber, "Never Say Never"

Never did I ever think that I would work in an office building where I would have to use a typewriter.  The last few days, while I have been working in the Resource Center on cataloging books into the system. Not only have I learned about categorizing books but I had to learn how to use a typewriter to do it!  The labels that we use for the books do not fit into a printer and the only way we have to type up the call numbers is to use the typewriter in the OSR.  In today's world of computers and technology, I really couldn't have imagined that I would need to use a typewriter for anything...

Day 26 continues to bring new surprises...
The angry typewriter and I had our battles but I believe we are on good terms finally.  I wasted a few labels, typed a few wrong letters (with no delete button), and completely had to start over a few times but in the end the project is complete.  I am hoping it will be quite awhile before I need to break out the crazy machine again!  (ps...this is NOT the typewriter I used but I just thought it was an amusing picture)

Moral of the story...NEVER SAY NEVER!  Here I am in the year 2011, the age of technology, using a typewriter to get my work done.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 24 and 25

"Most people use music as a couch; 
they want to be pillowed on it,
relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living.  
But serious music was never meant to be soporific."

---Aaron Copland
Happy Valentine's Day (one day late).  Last night I spent the evening working an event put on by the museum full of music, food, wine, and dancing.  Although I was without my valentine, it was nice to spend the evening with so many people in love.  I enjoyed watching couples of all ages and seeing how they interact together.  It was great to see so many people on the dance floor both young and old.  I can only hope that when I am older, I am still as in love with my husband as many of these couples were.  This event even gave me a chance to wear my new dress which brings me to Day 24...
New shoes...and a redone necklace!  So glad I finally had a place to dress up :-)

Moving on to Day 25...
Today I did a lot of work in the Resource Center.  I am learning how to catalog books and enter them into the system.  This was one of the books I found while working and thought it was the cutest book about a tuba I have ever seen!  I seriously stopped what I was doing in order to read this book quietly to myself at my desk.  Speaking of tubas...I don't want to get ahead of myself but I believe I FINALLY closed the deal on selling my tuba!  After over two months of very little communication between me and the purchaser...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and the deal should be done by this weekend.  I am really going to miss TMT (The Monster Tuba as mom so affectionately named it) and it's still hard to believe that I will never play "my" tuba again.  I am hoping that once I get a job and I am settled I can begin playing again as a hobby.  But until that day, I will just read little books about the tuba while at work.  I am looking forward to another exciting day in the Resource Center tomorrow!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 23

"You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can.
I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it

this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could walk around I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me."

---Miranda Lambert, "The House That Built Me"

Tonight is one of the biggest nights in music...The Grammy Awards!!  A night where artists of all genres and ideas come together, collaborate, and celebrate another amazing year in music.  I hope that one day I can attend the awards show and experience this amazing night of music for myself.  This night always makes me think about the planning and creativity that goes into putting this event on.  It is no easy task to stage an event that will be taken by every imaginable musician.  Not to mention the amount of musicians who perform together for the first time the night before the show at the rehearsal.  You have to be a true musician in order to pull off a fantastic performance after only performing together ONE time prior to the show.

I also love the respect that each artists show each other throughout the show.  For example the Justin Bieber/Jayden Smith/Usher performance...They got a standing ovation (rightfully deserved) but watching the audience, you could tell they appreciated what was done in that performance.  Many people have comments and criticism about artists but you have to agree that the success they are having does not come out of no where.  You have to respect what they do on the stage because clearly they are doing something right or they would not be up on that stage.  Bieber may not be everybody's cup of tea but he is up there doing his thing and doing a pretty darn good job!  No one can argue that.

I think the Day 23 picture is going to be my Grammy pick for Best New Artist next year...
Stevie is going to make it to the top...and I predict 2011 is going to be the year it happens!!!!! (just had to put up the baby picture lol hard to believe how much he has changed in the past 8 years)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 22

"If everybody had an ocean
Across the U.S.A.
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like californ-I-A
You'd see 'em wearin' their baggies
Huarachi sandals, too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfin' U.S.A.

You'd catch 'em surfin at Del Mar (Inside, outside, U.S.A.)

Ventura County line
Santa Cruz and Tressels,
Australia's Narabine,
All over Manhattan,
And down Doheny way" 

---The Beach Boys, "Surfin USA"

I officially became a Californian today!  I tried my hand at a water sport and had a BLAST!  I went with a woman from NAMM to her Outrigger Canoe club!  Outrigger canoeing is an old Hawaiian way of canoeing.  The clubs in this area follow the Hawaiian rules and traditions while racing their boats.  We did OC6 boats which is six people in a boat (even though we cheated and added an extra person) and the paddlers row on opposite sides and switch every 15-20 strokes.  It was quite a workout but I felt good after doing it.  I think I might even go to the "newbie" paddle next weekend up at Oceanside...we will see!

Day 22 is a picture of Mary Brown and me getting ready to head out into Mission Bay...
 This is one of the canoes out on the Bay.  This afternoon I went on a walk down my the beach and had an awesome time people watching and dog watching.  I saw 3 boxers on the walk and all three of them were adorable!  I even got to test out my new camera on the sunset!  I must say, it takes far better pictures than my old camera did! THANKS MOM AND DAD!!! Here is one of my favorite sunset pictures...

And the final picture was taken on the "food setting" of my dinner tonight....stuffed shells! DE-LISH!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 21

"Well, I'm going out west out on the coast
Where the California girls are really the most

Where they walk and I'll walk They fish and I'll fish
They sin and I'll sin They fly and I'll fly
Where they're out there having fun in the warm California sun"

---The Ramones, "California Sun"

Who can believe it has been three weeks since I left home?!  I sure can't!  I miss my family and friends but I am so glad to be out here living the California life!  Two weeks of work are now completed and not a day has gone by that I haven't enjoyed what I have been doing.  These last two days I have been learning anything and everything about the OSR (office supply room AKA mail room) and helping out where ever I can.  I can now say that I know how to ship (UPS and FedEx), check in packages, stamp all the mail, input returned mail, and most importantly...assemble boxes!  Not the most glamorous job but someone's got to do it and I was happy to help out.  Next week I will begin some of the actual projects that the departments have for me to work on.  No more training, its time to throw me in and see how I do!

Day 21 is a picture of one of the two newest additions to our family...Lily:
Lily and her sister Petunia (also a pug) were adopted yesterday by the Yngstrom's!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 20

Quick entry today....only because I do not want to forget.  I don't even have lyrics or a quote for today.

Thanks Mom and Dad for my brand spankin' new camera that I got for my birthday (just a little early lol)!!! I can't wait to play with it and take amazing pictures of my adventures here in California AND pictures to post here on this blog!

Hopefully I will have some more real insight tomorrow...I will also post two pictures to make up for today :-)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 19

"Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
you have everything you need
If you just believe"

---Josh Groban, "Believe"

"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true"

---Disney's Cinderella, "A dream is a wish your heart makes"

Believe is a very strong word.  Since I was little I was taught to believe in myself and my dreams.  I know that some day they will all come true.  I think we all need reminding of this sometimes.  Times can be hard and things can be going horribly wrong...but everything that is happening in life with eventually lead you to all your dreams coming true.  They may not come true in the sense of having tons of money when your dream is for riches but I believe that something in your life means more to you than money and that is what makes you rich.

All through college I believed I would be in the music industry.  And here I am, interning for one of the most important companies in the industry.  When I mention NAMM to other people in the industry, regardless of if they are involved in products, recording, or any other aspect, they know they name.  I believe that after this internship, I may not find my dream job right away, but it is out there and I will find it eventually.

We all need a little reminding...
As soon as you do, everyone else will too!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 18

"Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just trying to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.
And as he asked if I would come along
I started to realize
That everyday he finds
Just what he's looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines.

He said take my hand,

Live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand"

---Vanessa Carlton, "Ordinary Day"

Nothing special happened today.  Just living the California life.  I worked in the contact center all day today on small projects and then the slightly larger project of working on a database of members who never renewed their memberships.  We are trying to figure out why they did not renew and if they are planning on renewing.  This is an on-going project hopefully resulting in some of these members to renew their memberships.

The picture for Day 18 represents my dinner from tonight (since nothing picture worthy really happened...)
The picture is not recent but it represents the traditional Swedish meal I made of meatballs and mashed potatoes!  I was, however, missing the lingonberries :-(  My mom took this picture of me at Liseberg Amusement Park in Sweden in 2009....the amusement park food was indeed meatballs, mashed potatoes, and lingonberries!

That's all for today...maybe tomorrow will have more substance!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 17

"I've laid around and played around
This old town too long
Summer's almost gone
Yes, winter's comin' on
I've laid around and played around
This old town too long
And I feel like I gotta travel on

Poppa writes to Johnny
But Johnny can't come home
Johnny can't come home
No, Johnny can't come home
Poppa writes to Johnny
But Johnny can't come home
Cause he's been on the chain gang too long"

---Billy Grammer, "Gotta Travel On"

Music history...the bane of my existence for 3 semesters at Indiana State.  I spent hours upon hours of time reading and listening to music that covers hundreds of years of history.  After all that studying and listening and hoping that I passed exams, what I remember today is a few titles of pieces, some melodic ideas, and several composers.  And yet today, I revisited music history...but in a different way.

I spent the entire day doing work for NAMMs research center.  They keep records of all NAMM paperwork and history along with a large amount of archived items for a majority of companies in the music industry.  Most of the items have been donated and several have been purchased on sites like E-bay.  The coolest part of the archives is the oral histories NAMM has gathered over the past several years.  When they began collecting oral histories, they were hoping to get 100 entries over 10 years.  Not even through the 10 year period, they have over 1600 entries.  About 10 percent of these entries come from people who have since been deceased.  It is amazing to think that NAMM has video clips of important players in the music industry who are no longer around to tell their stories.

The last thing I did today was to watch a video of an interview done with Billy Grammer and mark spots to make chapters and find keywords for each chapter for NAMM to put up on a server for people to access.  It was so intriguing to watch an interview with someone who was huge in the music industry years ago.  He told lots of stories about his life as a musician and also played several snippets of songs.  This is the type of music history I enjoy.  Learning, from industry leaders themselves, about how they achieved their goals and became the person they are today.  Music history, once the bane of my existence, has become something that I am interested in learning more about as it applies directly to the music industry and the various careers that I might be able to hold during my lifetime.

A side story about the song I chose for today's lyrics.  Billy mentioned in his video that he released an album named "Travel On" in which this song was suppose to be the title track.  The record company, Liberty Records, somehow managed to leave this song off of the album.  So "Travel On" did not have a title track "Gotta Travel On" because the record executives forgot to add it to the album before sending it to print.  They realized, too late, that the track was not going to be included on the album.

Day 17 pictures are two displays that I worked on in the Museum of Making Music...

Not too shabby for someone who has never worked in retail or on store displays if I do say so myself!  The top one was a completely bare wall when i started with it...I added absolutely everything to that wall including all the hanging devices and where they are hanging.  All of the items on the wall have to do with cooking or food.  My personal favorite items are the red guitar spatulas and the guitar shaped cheese shredder!  The table area is some of the more artsy musical items we have in the museum.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 16

"What up? I got Nosk in here with me This ain't a diss song, but uhmm...
Yeah, uh-huh, you know what it is
I'm a cheesehead, y'all n------ Cheez Whiz
Pittsburgh Steelers, thats nothin'
That Super Bowl ring, thats stuntin'
Pull up in your town, when you see me you know everything
Green and yellow, Green and yellow
Green and yellow, Green and yellow
I put it down, representin' for my team
I'm in green and yellow, Green and yellow
Green and yellow, Green and yellow"

---Lil Wayne, "Green and Yellow"

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers, new Super Bowl champs!  I had a new Super Bowl experience this year...I missed half the game because I had to work.  I made it home after the half time performance and I am a little upset I missed all the good commercials and the performances.  I did not "attend" a Super Bowl party, however, I was able to see all of my family and "join" their party through Skype!  What a great is a picture or two from the evening

I bet my family did not realize I was taking pictures of them on the camera!!! Thank you for allowing me to share in the Super Bowl festivities even if I couldn't be there! I love you all.

On the music industry side of the Super Bowl, the big talk of the town is about Christina Aguilera and her flubbing of the National Anthem lyrics.  I was not home to see the National Anthem but I did catch it on youtube after I saw all the comments on facebook about it.  It was interesting to see the difference in opinions of many music majors about the performance.  For me, personally, I feel like she was concentrating too much on the vocal augmentation which is why she forgot the words.  If she had sang the song more melodically and less ornamented then maybe she would have remembered how the song goes.  I understand that people make mistakes but if a celebrity is chosen to perform the country's National Anthem, they should almost be flawless.  If they are not, it will be talked about!  Aguilera did a good job of recovering and I'm not even sure she realized that she changed the words.  I wonder how she is feeling at this moment.  What is running through her mind about her major flub on national TV? 

Week two of my internship begins tomorrow...five days down, TONS more to go!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 15

"You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?
It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. 
How many moments of other peoples life have we been in.
Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. 
Did we keep trying to get in? 
As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. 
Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it."

---Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray), One Tree Hill

My Day 15 picture is of some strangers I took a picture of today...
This beautiful bride and groom were fortunate to have a perfect sunset wedding on the beach this afternoon.  I inadvertently attended by sitting on the beach to read and watch the sunset.  When I noticed people showing up in dress clothes to the beach I did not understand.  That is, until they began setting tiki torches just down the beach from where I was sitting. Even though I do not know these two people, I felt the need to capture the moment by taking some photographs of the first ever beach wedding I have attended.  It makes me wonder how many strangers have photos of me.  What am I doing in the pictures?  Have they noticed me in the photo or am I just in the background?

This last school year I read a book with a similar theme.  "Elixir" by Hilary Duff was an amazing story about a photojournalist who realizes that the same image of a beautiful man keeps showing up in her pictures.  He is normally in the background but she notices him over and over again.  When she finally meets this man, she is worried he is a stalker but soon realizes that he is the love of her life.  A little far-fetched, I know.  But it makes me wonder if I may have taken a picture of someone who will someday mean a lot to me by accident.  You never know who might just show up in pictures.
Til tomorrow...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 13 and 14

"It’s alright dear ‘cause I’m right here
Here comes the night and the three of us are young
Look in your eyes and I see the horizon
Purple skies and every song I’ve sung
‘Cause music is a photograph of the way I feel
And I’ll be taking all 24 making sure it’s real
And what I see is so pretty it’s proof enough for me

You’ll never have to ask if I know this thing is true
‘cause I do I do I do looking at you
Every day that comes to pass girl I know you’ll see me through
Yes I do I do I do looking at you looking at me looking at you"

---Lee Coulter, "Photograph"
My apologies for not writing last night.  I have no real excuse for why I did not write but I will tell you all about my last TWO days now.  I spent the last two days moving around from department to department in the office.  I did a lot of work in the Contact Center with databases and shift covering.  It is really interesting to do work in the databases because it helps me to understand the membership process and the variety of people who are members of NAMM.  When i was not working on that I was learning all there is to know about the Museum of Making Music.  I have officially learned (in less than a week) how to open, close, and do just about everything in the museum.  Now let's just hope that I can retain all the information and put it to good use on Sunday when I will be working all day.  Today, Katrina and I redid some of the displays in the museum store and it was so much fun to be creative with the merchandise.  Maybe on Sunday I will try to take some pictures of my creativity. :-)

Tonight I attended my first event as an intern of NAMM.  The museum puts on live music throughout the year of varying types of music and styles.  Tonight was a "Local Flavor" night and the performer was Lee Coulter.  Lee is actually from Australia but has lived in SoCal for the past 5 years.  The music was awesome and Lee has a great voice!  This was a rather small event (only 140 tickets available...and sold out) but it really made me think about the live music scene.  I am glad that I got out and began experiencing the SoCal music scene.  I am looking forward to more concerts and events in the future.  It really makes me think about how much I want to be involved in this scene in the industry.  Live music has always been a passion of mine.  I love to go to concerts and really see and experience the music along with the artist.  An artist may have great music but without amazing stage presence they are nothing.  So many artists are "studio" artists but in order to make money in the industry anymore, an artist has to be able to perform and perform well.  Sometimes, the live performance is even more important than the artist's sound.  I think about Taylor Swift.  She has an awesome stage presence which is what keeps the fans so excited about her music.  She may not have the top vocals but the fact that she writes her songs about things that everyone can relate to and since she knows how to put on a great show, she has become the top selling artist for the last two or three years!  Live music is the past, present, and future of the music industry.  It will never die unless people all the sudden decide they do not like entertainment.

Since I missed a day of blogging I will add two pictures for today...Day 13 picture is of the incredible sunset while I was driving home from work the other day...
Day 14 is Lee would be a picture of him performing tonight but my phone was not cooperating when i tried to take pictures so here is a promo picture instead 
I hope you enjoyed and I hope you consider going to see some live music in the near future. Live music is the FUTURE of the music industry but can only live on with everyone's support!