Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 36

"Do you know that it gets cold in California (Sure do)
Well, I guess I'll miss my home in Tennessee
(I'm goin' to Memphis, I'm goin', I'm goin' to Memphis)
Be sure to bring your coat to California
When you come find me
(When come find me)"

---Ingram Hill, "Cold in California"

Today was "the coldest day of the year" in California!  With the rain and weather that has been coming around recently, California has been unnaturally cold for the last week or so.  It has been ten degrees below the average temperature for this time of year.  It is amusing to walk around outside with everyone bundled up in heavy jackets and scarfs and such.  I even saw a few people wearing what I would consider a winter coat.  I was walking around outside in a t-shirt feeling just fine!  I guess that's what I get for coming from Indiana...I'm still not completely used to the warmth of California.

Instead of going out in the "cold" today, I stayed around the apartment and got some cleaning and such done that I had been putting off!  Now my apartment is nice and clean, my laundry is put away, and the dishes are done!  I even had time to make myself a de-lish dinner which brings me to Day 36
 Now this may not look very good but let me assure you, this CrockPot Lasagna is absolutely AMAZING!!! Just put all the ingredients into the CrockPot and let it sit on low for at least 4 hours!!! It doesn't come out looking like real lasagna but its just as good!  After dinner I baked cookies and now my apartment is not only clean, but smells amazing!!!  I have to work tomorrow so I think I am just going to watch a little more TV and head to bed early! :-)

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