Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 28

"Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold. 

A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend."

Here's to new friends!  So far, I am blown away by the openness and niceness of everyone out here in California.  Everyone has been so willing to include me and make sure that I have things to do and people to meet until I get on my feet and have my own friends.  Tonight I was invited to Bonnie's house (a lady from work) to eat dinner with her and one of her daughters (Holly) who is a few years older than I am.  Bonnie did not HAVE to invite me over and let me into her house but she thought it would be fun for me to meet her daughter.  Now, both Bonnie and her daughter are hoping to take me out on the town throughout my internship to make sure I see all the cool stuff in the area.  Bonnie even gave me left overs from the meal for me to take home for later.  I am so glad that people are so welcoming and I can't wait to hang out with Holly and Bonnie some more over the next six months.

On another rained today!  It NEVER rains in southern California!!  I have decided that what everyone has told me about California drivers in the rain is SOOO true!  They act as if it is snow!  On the 5 on my way to Bonnie's, people were going like 20 miles an hour.  Not because there was a lot of traffic but because it was RAINING! C'mon people! So the Day 28 picture is of rain...
Let's hope that it does not rain TOO much while I am out here :-)

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