Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 32

"You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you."

---The Beatles, "Birthday"

Today is a very special day to me...today is my 22nd birthday!  Twenty two years ago, today, I was brought into this world by the most loving mother and father a girl could ask for.  I can never repay them for the gift they have given me over the past 22 years....the gift of life!!!  Thanks Mom and Dad :-)

Even though I spent the day at work...it was a great birthday filled with lots of love and fun!  It began with a phone call at 2AM from my very best friend, Michelle! (yes Michelle...I actually woke up when you called but I didn't want you to feel bad so I didn't tell you)  My birthday was announced at the 9:05 at work....what is a 9:05 you might ask?  Every morning at 9:05, the entire NAMM staff gathers in the center of the office building to have a quick meeting about what is going on in each department.  The department heads stand in the center in a small circle and any other employees who can make it (usually its almost everyone) surround the outside of the smaller circle.  We even conference call any department heads who happen to not be in the office but need to say something.  It is a great way for everyone in the office to stay informed and it normally only lasts about 5 minutes so it does not take up too much work time.  Now, back to my birthday...Five of my co-workers accompanied me to lunch down the street from the office today.  We enjoyed a great lunch with good conversation.  I was even sang to by everyone and the waiter when I was brought a free birthday warm cookie a la mode complete with a candle on top to blow out!  When we returned to the office and everyone got back to work, I was told that I had some stuff on my desk that had come for me.  I walked back to my desk and found some beautiful flowers, a balloon, and a bear waiting on my desk from my family.  I then looked on my chair and I had a box that said "ProFlowers" sitting on the chair.  When I opened the box, I found some beautiful tulips sent to me by my wonderful boyfriend, Adam!

Day 32 shows my beautiful gifts I received at work...
I will take some better pictures tomorrow on my new camera and post them so everyone can admire the beauty.  The flowers on the far left are the ones from Adam...Red tulips and I am not sure what the blue flowers are but maybe I will find out when they bloom!  The center bouquet is the one from my parents....beautiful purple flowers, a bear, and the balloon!  The far right is not actually from my birthday but they evened out the picture...gorgeous orchids donated to NAMM by a local orchid farmer for our Valentine's Day event.  When NAMM was done with them, they allowed employees to take some orchids home.  I spent the rest of my evening hanging around my apartment and enjoying some quiet time.  Thank you to everyone who made my birthday special!

Another wonderful thing about February 22 is that it is World Thinking Day for the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world (I really was born to be a Girl Scout!)  Thinking Day is a day where girls participate in activities, games, and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries.  When I was younger, our troop would spend Thinking Day by honoring another culture by learning about their culture, making a craft that represents that culture, and creating a food from that culture.  I remember my very first Thinking Day...our troop represented the Hawaiian culture.  We dressed in hula outfits, made paper flowers for our hair and to hand out to others, and created a Hawaiian treat for everyone to try.  Another memorable Thinking Day was when we represented Jordan.  We created some form of SWAP with Arabic writing (isn't this right, Mom? or am I thinking of something else?) and we made Awful Falafel (as we called it).  We then changed our snack to hummus and pita bread because we figured that would be more appetizing.  Great memories come from Thinking Day.  So happy Thinking Day to everyone...I hope you take the time to think about someone across the world and wish them well.

One final wonderful thing about February 22.  It was February 22, 2003 when my Aunt Donna and cousin Jessie went with me to Chicago on a whim to see a brand new artist, Stevie Brock perform in a mall.  He performed only three songs and yet we drove 4 hours and spent the night in Chicago just to see him perform (ok well that's why I went although I think Aunt Donna and Jessie just went to humor me).  But that day was the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
 This little 12 year old boy stole my heart and has since become a GREAT friend and an amazing musician and inspiration to all. Now, at 20 years old, he is someone to look up to and learn from.  He sets a great example for all those young and old to never give up on your dreams.  Eventually your day will come so be ready for it.

And now that I have written a novel about February 22, it is time to put this day to rest...see you next year 2/22!!!

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