Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 24 and 25

"Most people use music as a couch; 
they want to be pillowed on it,
relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living.  
But serious music was never meant to be soporific."

---Aaron Copland
Happy Valentine's Day (one day late).  Last night I spent the evening working an event put on by the museum full of music, food, wine, and dancing.  Although I was without my valentine, it was nice to spend the evening with so many people in love.  I enjoyed watching couples of all ages and seeing how they interact together.  It was great to see so many people on the dance floor both young and old.  I can only hope that when I am older, I am still as in love with my husband as many of these couples were.  This event even gave me a chance to wear my new dress which brings me to Day 24...
New dress...new shoes...and a redone necklace!  So glad I finally had a place to dress up :-)

Moving on to Day 25...
Today I did a lot of work in the Resource Center.  I am learning how to catalog books and enter them into the system.  This was one of the books I found while working and thought it was the cutest book about a tuba I have ever seen!  I seriously stopped what I was doing in order to read this book quietly to myself at my desk.  Speaking of tubas...I don't want to get ahead of myself but I believe I FINALLY closed the deal on selling my tuba!  After over two months of very little communication between me and the purchaser...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and the deal should be done by this weekend.  I am really going to miss TMT (The Monster Tuba as mom so affectionately named it) and it's still hard to believe that I will never play "my" tuba again.  I am hoping that once I get a job and I am settled I can begin playing again as a hobby.  But until that day, I will just read little books about the tuba while at work.  I am looking forward to another exciting day in the Resource Center tomorrow!

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