Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 38

"With lies you may get ahead in the world
But you can never go back"

---Russian Proverb

Dishonesty... lack of honesty or integrity: disposition to defraud or deceive.  This has become so much a part of many American's lives.  There is even a show about lying (probably more than one...), "Pretty Little Liars" which is actually based off of a series of books.  The girls on this show continue to lie and as their lies pile up, they all come crumbling down.  There is a lot of hurt, a lot of heartache, and a lot of people lose trust in each other.  Lies seem to be the basis for all relationships falling apart.  The truth can hurt but in the end it is the best choice.

People lie about little things and big things.  They lie about who they are, their relationships with people, and what they have.  Are these lies suppose to make them look better?  What happens when the truth comes out...because it always does!  I have been hurt by lies in the past.  I have also been hurt by truths...however, I have decided that the truth is always the way to go.  I never want to hurt someone by lying to them...especially not someone that I love.

The Day 38 picture is of the girls from "Pretty Little Liars"
I hope that this picture and what happens on this show reminds me that telling the truth is always the best.  Lies will come crashing down and although the truth may hurt, lies always hurt more.

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