Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 39

"When it's family, you forgive them for they know not what they do
When it's family, you accept them, 'cause you have no choice but to
When it's family, they're a mirror of the worst and best in you
And they always put you to the test
And you always try to do your best
And just pray for God to do the rest, when it's family

Some are preachers, some are gay

Some are addicts, drunks and strays
But not a one is turned away, when it's family
Some are lucky, others ain't
Some are fighters, others faint
Winners, losers, sinners, saints, it's all family" 

---Dolly Parton, "Family"

Today's post is dedicated to family.  I called my mom earlier today and my nephew...who is only a year and a half...answered the phone!!!!  I loved the way he said "Hi Anka" over and over again :-)  It made me realize how hard it is to be so far away from family.  I have always been super close to my family and now that they are thousands of miles away, its weird!  Not only am I missing watching Logan grow in the next six months....I will be missing the birth of my second nephew (due in June).  I have decided that I love being on my own but I am not sure how much I love being away from family.  Luckily, they are keeping me well informed on everything back home!  I can't even imagine not having a good relationship with my family.  They are the people I lean on when I am down.  They are the ones I can call at any time, day or night.  They are the ones I can tell absolutely ANYTHING to without being judged.  I LOVE my family...Day 39
 I LOVE THEM!!! Even if they are crazy...it's what makes them fun :-)

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