Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 45

"I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming"

---Disney, "A Whole New World"

Did you know that on March 6 in 1993, this song was number one on the Billboard top 100 list?  I didn't know either!  I thought I was looking up the list of top songs from today but then I realized I looked up yesterday and not today.  And funny story, today's song of the day from 1993 actually "Informer" by Snow.  This song always amuses me because it is one that my brother and I have an ongoing feud about.  I accidentally taped over his cassette tape that had this song on it.  In the middle of the song you hear me (probably age 4 or 5) break into the song and start talking. "BOOM!!!! That was Sparkle" is what I said.  Sparkle was our dog at the time and I'm assuming (because I really don't remember) that she bumped into me or the Walk Man while it was recording.  Jeremy pulled out this recording at my Sweet 16 and played it for all my friends. How embarrassing!

Now that I told a random story, back to what I was originally going to write about today...I started working in Market Development this week.  I really had NO idea what to expect.  There is only one person who works in this department after the layoffs that happened in the fall and this one person lives in New York.  How can I be working under the supervision of someone who is on the other side of the country?  I spoke on the phone with Jennifer this morning and learned what this department is really about.  Jennifer is in charge of all of the outreach programs like our SchoolJam USA Battle of the Bands and many of the other events NAMM helps with.  I already like what I have done in this department and I think it's going to be a great week of work.  Today, I put together itineraries for the winner of SchoolJam this year (a band called Peligro from Ohio) for their trip to Germany to compete in SchoolJam Germany.  This teenagers get an all expenses paid trip to Germany to compete in the original SchoolJam competition.  I have also been doing research on after school music programs and rock camps for us to promote the SchoolJam program.  All of my time on the street team doing little research projects for new fans is paying off!  All of my planning of trips I have taken and making my own itineraries is paying off!  I wonder what else I am going to get to do this week.

Wow...I have typed a lot today...hope everyone enjoys reading!  I guess that means its time for the picture of the day!  Day 45 is...
My bro-bro and I!!!!!! Even though he gives me a hard time (like still bringing up the "informer" incident even though it was more than 15 years ago) I know he loves me! :-)  Thanks for being awesome Jeremy! Life growing up most DEF would not have been the same without you! Love You!

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA HA HA HA! I really should digitize that tape lol. You are awesome Annika, and I hope you are enjoying your self out in Sunny California. I do have to admit that growing up without you would not have been the same either. I love you and I hope all is going well.

    - Jeremy
