Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 58

"It would be easy to say that the pants changed everything that summer.                   
But looking back now...
I feel like our lives changed because they had to...
And that the real magic of the pants was in bearing witness to all of this...
And in somehow holding us together...
When it felt like nothing would ever be the same again.

Some things never would be.

But we knew now that no matter how far
We traveled on our own separate paths...
Somehow we would always find
our way back to each other.
And with that,
we could get through anything.

To us. Who we were, and who we are.
And who we'll be.
To the pants.
And the sisterhood.
And this moment,
and the rest of our lives.                
Together and apart."

---Closing monologue, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"

I forgot how much i love this movie and the books.  It reminds me of my best friends.  We may not have something like the traveling pants, but knowing that we are still close even when we are apart is great.  I know that no matter where I am, I can call my best friends and talk to them about anything.  Even with the changes in all of our lives, we will always be friends and that is all that matters!  No matter the different directions we are pulled in, I know I can always come back to where we used to be and it will be like nothing has changed.  This post is for my best no particular order....all of which I spoke with today :-)

My Michigan best friend.  The one that no matter how long we go without seeing each other or talking a lot, it is as if we never stopped.  True meaning of a best friend.

Fort Wayne best friend.  The one I tell everything to.  The one that is always there for me.  The one that is my shoulder to cry on.  The reason this post came to be (since I just got off the phone with you)

Terre Haute BFF.  The one who helped me get through my time at ISU.  The one who asked me if I was going to the meeting and the rest is history.  The one to studied with me until we decided we needed milkshakes at midnight.  The one who ruled the Music Business dept with me :-)

My Boyfriend.  The one I turn to.  The one I who deals with me day in and day out.  The one that would do anything to make me happy.

Virginia best friend.  The one I have known since we were little girls.  The one I grew up with.  The one I can't wait to see in May when she comes to visit.  The girl I know will always be here for me through thick and thin.

Best Friends forever :-)

1 comment:

  1. this made my day <3 i love you so much bestie and i love that i get to keep up with your life even when you are so far away!
