Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 41

"Toaster pastry...
you taste so good and yummy!
Toaster pastry
Get into my tummy!
Frosting doodle...
on my struedle

---Quinn James, "Toaster Pastry Song"

Why? Because this song has been stuck in my head all day! Thank you One Tree Hill!!!  I really do not have anything of substance to report on today's blog but I know that if I don't post a blog for today my mom is going to be sad in the morning.  Therefore, I am just going with a goofy blog about nothing!  Hence the "Toaster Pastry Song"....haha I just used the word hence! writing like this reminds me of the days where I used to write letters to my friends about absolutely nothing.  I would just start writing and see where it ended up.  I rarely had a point and sometimes, when I did have a point, I would completely forget what it was and start writing about something completely random.  Did any of you ever receive these letters from me?  While I'm at it...instead of a picture today, I am going to go with a video...this video is not of me but it is of a friend who used to be lucky enough to receive these crazy letters from me.  She has gone on to be equally as random in video format... 
Day 41
Over the last day I have become obsessed with watched the "Schemestresses" videos!  I have known Shea and Taylor for...well...8 years!  And pretty much nothing has changed....Shea used to love socks...and it seems she still does!  She used to be extremely artistic and well...that hasn't changed their!  Her hair color, however, has!  Taylor...used to be tiny...and still is!  She used to be adorable...and still is! :-)

Ok...randomness over!  Sorry if this made no sense!

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