Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 51 and 52

"Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause
I can't fight it anymore

And I wonder if I

Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one

I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now"

---Lady Antebellum, "Need You Now"

Well it looks like I am behind again!  It's hard to post on time when I'm busy hanging out with family!  But that is no excuse so I apologize!  This song is Aunt Donna's and my song...we have heard it at least 3 times a day since she has been here!  I was WAAAAAAAAY off when trying to remember who sang the song but now we both know it's Lady Antebellum!

Yesterday we took a wonderful adventure north to Knotts Berry Farm.  It was a great day filled with rides and sun!  We think the park is owned by the same people as Cedar Point but CP is much bigger and has many more rides!  KBF has a theme of the wild west throughout so many rides were based off of that theme.  For dinner we stopped in Anaheim for CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!!!!!! Who is jealous?!?!?!  It was absolutely de-lish as always!  Then, on our way home, Aunt Donna and Jessie got their first little taste of REAL California traffic!  Lucky for us, we were able to ride in the HOV lane most of the way.

Today, I went back to work while the girls played!  They went to the San Diego Zoo and I am super jealous.  I can't wait until I can get down there and explore.  Everyone says it's an awesome zoo (what's a sue?!?!?!) and I am thinking if I can't find anyone to go with me, it is well worth going alone!  Work was nothing exciting...I continued on my scanning project of the Steinway Files.  For dinner, I met up with the Yngstrom's for dinner at PF Changs!  It is becoming a tradition!  We had some amazing food and some great laughs!  I got home just in time to see Glee and I must say I loved ALL the songs on the show tonight!  Looking forward to seeing how they do at nationals ;-)

Here are a few pictures of the trip thus far...

The first picture is of us at Knott's Berry on the stage coach!  The other two are pretty obviously from SeaWorld!  One from a show called "Blue Horizons" with the dolphins and the other from the "Believe: Shamu" show!!!!

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