Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 60

"Down in the valley,
There is a mission,
By the old oak tree.
By the mission,
There is a fountain,
Where my love told me:

There’s a web like a spider’s web,
Made of silk and light and shadows,
Spun by the moon in my room at night.
It’s a web made to catch a dream,
Hold it tight ‘til I awaken,
As if to tell me, my dream is all right."

---GS Song, "Spider's Web"

Update on my spider...I woke up this morning, no spider on the wall.  I went and took a shower then walked back into my room and BAM! There he was...taunting me!  Once again, he was in a corner and not a place I could get to him easily.  I walked into my kitchen, ate a muffin, grabbed a tupperware container (I decided I did not want to kill I was going to catch him and set him free outside) and went back to my room. HE WAS GONE!!!!!!!  How is it that this little creature can foil me two days in a row?!?!  Since its seems like he is here to stay, I've decided it's time to name him!  I can't decide between Anansi and Spindle....any suggestions for my new roomie?  I sure hope he is going to help me out with rent if he decides to live here permanently!

Now that I got that out of my system, it's time to talk about work...the real reason I'm suppose to be writing this blog!  This week has been interesting for me.  My schedule has been completely screwy and yet, I like it!  People keep coming to me and asking me if I can fit in time to help them.  It makes me feel wanted and like I am doing a good job.  Tomorrow, although I'm only scheduled to be in Meetings and Events, I will be helping in the Contact Center (OK so I do that every day so that doesn't really count), attending a video call with PAGR (public affairs and government relations) to learn about what I am doing next week, AND running the OSR (office supply room) while Kyle is out of the office for a few hours.  It's nice to know that everyone can count on me to get things done!

And now for something completely different....
Looking for a song today brought me to Girl Scout songs which in turn led me to this video slideshow on youtube! :-D Me and my girls singing on stage with Melinda Carroll at Girl Scouts 95th Birthday Celebration!

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