Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 99

"When I see you smile
I know everything's OK
When I hear you laugh
It's always a brighter day
Gonna do my best
Forget the rest
As long as your with me
I'll be alright, ight

It's a beautiful day
yeah, yeah
Such a beautiful day
yeah, yeah
Such a beautiful day..."

---Steve Plunkett, "Beautiful Day"

Today was a fantastically relaxing day!  I spent a few hours this morning shopping and getting my life together to get ready for my trip home next weekend.  I also spent a few hours on the beach reading and relaxing and soaking up some rays.  This evening I watched a movie and now I'm sitting here writing my blog.  As for something exciting for my blog....I got nothing!  Tomorrow is my 100th day of blogging so that is sure to be exciting...but until will just have to deal with this semi-boring post.  This next week is going to be awesome!  Seeing my best friend, Jacinta on Monday...and going back to Indiana on Friday! :-)  I'm sure there will be lots to post about!  No picture today because nothing picture worthy happened...but I am sure I will make up for it this coming week :-D

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 98

"Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

---Train, "Marry Me"

Like everyone else in the world, my focus is on the Royal Wedding today.  No, I was not one of those crazies who woke up super early in the morning to watch the event of the year live (*cough*Mom and Michelle*cough*) but I will admit to following along as much as I could throughout the day.  I don't know what it is about royalty but just like everyone else, I was completely intrigued by the entire day.  Perhaps it is the fact that the United States does not have a royal family of our own to follow.  Whatever the reason, I am glad I was able to partake in the festivities.  Since I did not wake up super duper early, I did not get to see the wedding as it happened but i watched all of the coverage as I got ready for work.  One exciting moment was that I did get to see Prince William and his new wife drive out of Buckingham Palace and around the fountain as it was happening.  They both looked so happy.
Kate looked absolutely stunning in her dress but some of the other fashions were questionable.  I don't know about you but I do not really understand the obsession with hats.  Instead of making an outfit look better, most of the time it ruined the outfit (in my opinion).  I really wonder what some of these women were thinking when they were getting dressed and putting these outrageous hats on their heads.
Why would you assume that these looks are fashionable?!?!?  I don't think anyone is going to be creating knock offs of these hats unless it is for humorous purposes.

Although this wedding has been fun to follow, I have decided that I would NEVER want a wedding quite like this.  There were over a thousand people in Westminster Abbey for the ceremony (that's 2,000 eyes on you, watching your every move), over a million people waiting on the streets outside (over 2 million eyes), and probably over a billion people watching on TV.  How embarrassing would it be if someone had tripped?  How about if you mispronounced the vows?  It is far too much pressure to have everything absolutely perfect.  I am more than happy to just watch someone else have a life so much in the public eye (or 2 billion eyes).

Congratulations to Prince William and known as the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge.  I hope you lead a happy life together.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 97

Quick post...posting between American Idol and Grey's Anatomy...but I wanted everyone to see my new hair-do!  OK so its not THAT different and its kinda hard to tell in the picture but its MUCH more blonde than it was...and more layers!  But I really like it and I'm excited to show it off!



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 96

"When this old world starts getting me down
And people are just too much for me to face
I climb way up to the top of the stairs
And all my cares just drift right into space
On the roof, it's peaceful as can be
And there the world below can't bother me
Let me tell you now
When I come home feelin' tired and beat
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof)
I get away from the hustling crowd
And all that rat-race noise down in the street (up on the roof)
On the roof, the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so
Let's go up on the roof (up on the roof)
At night the stars put on a show for free
And, darling, you can share it all with me
I keep a-tellin' you
Right smack dab in the middle of town
I've found a paradise that's trouble proof (up on the roof)
And if this world starts getting you down
There's room enough for two
Up on the roof (up on the roof)
Up on the roo-oo-oof (up on the roof)
Oh, come on, baby (up on the roof)
Oh, come on, honey (up on the roof)"

---The Drifters, "Up on the Roof"

Sometimes, after a rough day, you just need a place to go and decompress.  For some, that place is their room.  For others, it is the roof top!  And if I were having a rough day....well I'm not so I guess it doesn't matter! GOTCHA!

Today I spent the morning being creative!  I am working on re-doing ALL of the staff badges for the shows and Ken and I were playing around with the software and learning all the ins and outs.  After printing my own badge about 4 times front and back...we finally got a final design that we liked.  I am now official!  I have a picture badge just like everyone else!  This afternoon, I spent some time in the museum.  It was a pretty slow day but I felt accomplished as a problem solver when Katrina (the store manager) and I were trying to fix a computer issue and I was the one who figured it out!!!  It is a rare moment when I can be right about something on the computer so I think I deserved to pat myself on the back!

COUNTDOWN TIME....only 5 more days til I get to see two of my best friends!!!!!!!! :-) This picture is of the three of us back in 2002 (i think) after I moved away and came back to visit! Love you girls!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 95

"If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah"

---Ben E. King, "Stand By Me"

I don't really have much to say tonight.  Today's day at work was slow.  We had an all staff meeting this morning where we were briefed on what happened at the board meeting.  That took up much of the morning.  In the afternoon, Ken (head of TS-Registration) and I watched some amusing videos on youtube and set up what I am going to be working on tomorrow.  And that was pretty much my day.  Now I'm sitting on my couch watching TV and enjoying some relaxing time!

Since I don't have a picture of the is a video...Check out Mark Russell! Love this guy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 94

"I used to think maybe you loved me now baby I'm sure
And I just cant wait till the day when you knock on my door
Now everytime I go for the mailbox , gotta hold myself down
Cos I just wait till you write me your coming around

I'm walking on sunshine , wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
I'm walking on sunshine, woooah
and don't it feel good!!"

---Katrina and the Waves, "Walking on Sunshine"

Sending some sunshine to the Midwest...

Technology.  It can be a scary thing when it malfunctions.  This afternoon I got a call from my adviser, Dr. Piechocinski.  As soon as I answered, it seemed that something was weird.  He asked me how I was I was feeling...I told him I was good. Then he asked me if I was in Indianapolis or Terre Haute.  I was very confused and told him I was in California.  Apparently, Dr. P has been receiving text messages from a number that appears to be mine (the conversation shows up in our conversation under my name) saying I was in Indianapolis and having various medical procedures done.  He realized something was really up when "I" asked him if he was going to be around at 3:30 today and never showed up. Instead, another student showed up. 

As he told me this story, I was confused and rather amused.  How do text messages from someone else show up under my number?  Dr. P said that apparently we even set up a time to meet for lunch while I was in town...except for the fact that I am in California and will not be in town!  Not only that, our previous conversations were mixed in with what this person was saying.  Technology is amazing when it works but can really cause an issue when it malfunctions.  I am glad that this was not a more serious matter.  What if someone received a text message from "me" saying I was seriously sick.  Whoever got the texts would think I was sick when they should really be worried about someone else.

for those of you who are complaining about gas prices in Fort Wayne...welcome to my world.  We have been at these prices and above for WEEKS!!! I put just under 3/4 a tank of gas in my little car and spent almost $50! So glad that I don't drive too far throughout the week! :-)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 93

"Rina do!
Rina do!
It's Rina time in the city!"

---Annabel and Jezabel, "Rina Bear"

Today is a very special day.  Not only is it Easter is my darling puppy's 12th birthday!
Twelve years (minus six weeks) ago, we found this little cutie on a farm in southern Virginia (the dog...not the girl...who is me in case you couldn't tell!). 
On the drive home, Jeremy decided she should be named S'more because she had the coloring of a s'more.  I said it wasn't girlie enough and said S'morina....which turned into Rina for short!  Her full name became Countess (in honor of mom's old boxer Princess) S'morina De'Lorange (because we got her in Orange, Virginia) Bugge!

We had our issues in the beginning...I thought she hated me...but it soon turned into a love/love relationship! We became best friend!

The last time I saw her was the day I left for California.  Now she has turned 12 years old and I am sad that I am not there to party with her.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING RINA!!! I will see you in a few short months!

Today, as I mentioned, is also Easter Sunday.  I spent the entire day in the museum.  We were very slow and I became quite bored.  By the time I got home, I was so ready to do something so I decided to make myself an Easter dinner.
Delicious chicken, mac and cheese, carrots, crescent rolls (which are not in the picture cuz they were cooling...), and some fantastic wine! Nothing like a family meal but it was pretty darn good.  Then, after dinner, I skyped with my darling nephew and family...
Isn't he just the cutest thing ever??????  I miss my family a lot while I'm out here but in 12 short days, I will be back in Indiana to spend a fantastic weekend with them.  Just have to get through two work weeks and I can spend some time away with them!  All in all, it was a good day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 92

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me down
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day
It's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day"

---Johnny Nash, "I Can See Clearly Now"

It hasn't been raining, but it has been cloudy every morning and then generally turns into a bright, sun shiny day!  Got to love California weather! I spent the afternoon today in La Jolla with my cousin, Steven.  It is a beautiful area!  We met at the top of Mt. Solidad where there were amazing views of the surrounding San Diego areas.  There is also a war memorial in the park where we met which is pretty cool.  Once we drove down the hill, we found a parking spot right near the water.  The water in the La Jolla area is much clearer than the water up here in Carlsbad.  Parts of it had more of a greenish tint like the Caribbean and it was beautiful.  Steven and I walked down the coast towards the downtown area where we spotted a ton of sea lions bathing in the sun.  It was awesome to see them on the rocks and playing in the water.  Once we reached the downtown area, we found a neat little restaurant with a wonderful view of the water from the outdoor seating area.
It was neat to watch the kayakers out on the water having lessons during our meal.  After lunch, we went to a shop called the cave where we were able to climb down a TON of stairs to an area below ground where there is a cave that opens to the water.  It was pretty cool but those stairs were intense!  We walked around and visited the art galleries and a few other shops.  All in all, it was a nice day and I'm glad I got to spend it with Steven.  I am glad that I am getting out and exploring more areas of southern California.  There is so much to see out here.  I have to make the best of my six months because who knows the next time I might be out here to see things.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 91

I would write a normal blog tonight....but i'm sleepy....therefore...
INTRODUCING THE AMAZIN' EXPLODING STUFFED SHELLS!!!!!!! Yeah, my stuffed shells exploded while in the oven they don't look as cute and clean as the last time I made them lol...perhaps I should have cooked two more shells so that they were not overflowing with filling...hmmmm....

On another note...we had a half day at work and I went to a lunch cookout at Thomas' apartment with a few people from work! It was fun! I'll tell ya more tomorrow :-D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 90

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love,
the things you are, 
the things you never want to lose."

---From the television show The Wonder Years

Tonight, I was brought back to my childhood by my dinner...
Who remembers Kid Cuisine?!?! I better see those hands in the air!  One of my favorite Kid Cuisine meals (which I normally ate on the evenings that we were super busy or I had swim practice) was chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and normally a brownie...I switched the brownie for apple sauce.  This was a favorite, I think, because it was food I rarely got to eat.  I couldn't have chicken nuggets for dinner because Jeremy was mac and cheese because Jeremy was allergic to that too!  So it was always a treat to warm up that little black tray of food and eat some yummy goodness. Now, granted, this is home made mac and cheese (not made by me...left overs from my dinner at Bonnie's) and I added a little adult flavor with a glass of wine but it still gave me the warm, fuzzy feeling of a delicious meal! Or was that just the wine?! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is a half day for me at work due to Good Friday and the Easter weekend...I don't know what I am going to do with myself being off of work at noon.  Any ideas?  Looks like you will just have to tune in tomorrow to figure out what I did!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 89

5 dollar...
5 dollar footlooooooooooooong
(any, any any)
5 dollar...
5 dollar foot long!

Subway! Eat Fresh!"

---Subway people (?!?!), "5 Dollar Footlong"

Today is laundry and Subway day!!!!!!! The best part of laundry day is to get to eat my Subway when I get home!  For those of you that don't know (I don't know why most of you would know anyway), every two weeks I do laundry and since the first time I did my laundry, I have gone to get Subway after wards.  It has become a tradition and I think it is a good one so I am keeping with it.
I will have you all know that I am the selling champion in the museum store thanks to today!  I sold more merchandise (without trying might I add) than I think I have in the entire time I have been at NAMM combined!  Not only did I sell a bunch but most of it was stuff we normally do not sell!  It must have been something in the water or in the air but everyone was willing to spend their life savings at the Museum of Making Music.  The good thing is, it made the afternoon in the store go so quickly because I was constantly selling and restocking things that had been sold.  I even bought myself a new necklace to wear with my dress for graduation! YAY! 

This week has already gone by so quickly (ok so it's only Wednesday but I only have one and a half days until the weekend so it is pretty much over)...just one week closer to seeing everyone in Indiana for graduation weekend!  I can't wait to see all of my friends and family :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 87 and 88

"I miss you like crazy
I miss you being my baby
Tell me when you're comin back home
I miss you like crazy
I miss you being my baby
Tell me when you're comin back home"

---Dream, "I Miss You Like Crazy"

I almost thought I got away with not posting yesterday...but then I was caught!  Last night, after work, I went over to Bonnie's house for dinner and Dancing With The Stars with her and Holly!  In case you have no idea who I am talking about, Bonnie is someone I work with and Holly is her daughter.  They invite me over once in awhile which is really nice to go to someone's house and eat dinner with them.  It gets a little lonely eating by myself every night.  Bonnie made some amazing homemade mac and cheese, chicken, banana muffins, salad, and fresh baked cookies!  It was scrumdiddlyumptious!  She even gave me some mac and cheese, muffins, and cookies to bring home!

This week I am working in the Trade Show Sales department.  I really like the way they have me set up.  I have my own desk down in their office where I can set up and then I am working with each person in the department to really learn what they do.  Instead of just being given a task and going off on my own to work on it, each member of the department is running me through their daily activities.  Not only does it show me what it is like to work in that job, but it gives me some experience with programs and things I never would have gotten to do otherwise.  I am learning all the steps for selling a space for the trade show.  I will get to work on finding new companies to exhibit at the shows, sit in on sales calls with our top rep, learn how to prep and process applications that have come in, learn how to process all of the money and fees, work on sending out visa letters to people come into the country from overseas, and many other smaller tasks too.  Although I do not really want to work on sales, it is growing on me a little bit.  I would never want to be a sales rep but working on processing all the information and helping to put things together is right up my alley with the planning.

As I am sitting here typing this out, storms are pounding the midwest...
Ok, so this picture probably wasn't even taken today OR in the midwest but I thought it was cool and got my point across.  I've been hearing and seeing tornado warnings and watches as well as tons of hail and high winds.  I am thinking of everyone back home and just want everyone to stay safe in the crazy weather.  It's funny...I was talking to someone yesterday about how I like to watch storms roll in.  She said there is not much to see out here in California and the more I think about it, I haven't heard a single clap of thunder the entire time I've been out here.  I have seen ONE flash in the sky and I can't be sure that it was actually lightning.  I miss storms...not like the crazy one that is hitting home right now, but the storms with rain, lighting, and thunder.  It makes me think of my trip to Europe and the night Jamie Steeg and I stayed up late sitting on our balcony bundled up in our comforters, watching the storm roll over the mountains in Switzerland.  As it got closer to us, we moved closer and closer under the overhang and eventually ended up sitting in the bathroom window so we didn't get wet from the rain.  That is one memory I will never forget.  I would love to go back to Switzerland and relive that moment sometime in my life.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 86

"What'cha gonna do with the 36 cents
Sticky with Coke on your floorboard
When a woman on the street is huddled in the cold
On a sidewalk vent trying to keep warm
Do you call her over hand her the change
Ask her a story ask her her name
Or do you tell yourself

You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world
You're just a fool
Just a fool
To believe you can change the world"

---Carrie Underwood, "Change"

I LOVE this song! Just sayin'...

This evening, I was flipping through channels, and landed on VH1.  I was intrigued by the title of a show, "MobWives."  Why must they make reality shows like that.  I had no reason to want to watch the show and yet I watched an entire hour of drama based around wives of mobsters.  All of the women on the show live in Staten Island and most of their husbands/boyfriends are in jail for one reason or another.  Some of the girls grew up as daughters of the mobsters and others married into the life.  I can't imagine why anyone would chose that life for themselves.  One of the girls, Karen, is the daughter of a mobster that ratted out others to the police and so they were shunned from the community.  She has been living in Arizona and now she is going back to Staten Island because she is writing a book about the mob lifestyle.  She is leaving her daughter in Arizona because she wants to make sure that it is safe before moving her family.  Why would you want to move to a place that may not be a safe place to live for your family?  It just amazes me that people still live the life of the mob.  To most people, this lifestyle is like one from a movie.  I think most people don't realize how much it still exists and how serious a lot of people still take it.  Never did I think I would be writing a blog post about the mob.

To change subjects completely...I want to wish a very happy birthday to one of my dear friends (the one who I call my husband...) ADAM TYLER
Isn't he just adorable?!?!  Adam is an aspiring singer and has an amazing voice!  I know he is going to make it big in this's just a matter of time.  Last month, Adam played several shows in London (where this picture was taken) and just last week he played a show in New York.  I am looking forward to him playing a show in the SoCal area so that I can go see him!  You will hear his name some day...mark my words :-)


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 85

"And I'll take ya' boogie boardin' with me
'Cause when we're surfin' it's so great to be free
And when you're on a California beach
You might even find 'em windsurfin' too

California callin'

I'll be there right away
There's some beautiful women
Gonna find me one
To show me how to ride the ultimate wave"

---The Beach Boys, "California Calling"

Today was the most amazing California weather day.  I woke up early (not on purpose) and got ready to head to the beach.  When I left my apartment it was about 65 degrees...I got down to the beach and it was PACKED!  I was driving down the coast to where I normally park and it was tough to find a was earlier in the day, I figured I wouldn't have an issue.  Finally, I found a spot but I was worried I was going to have to walk FOREVER to get back to where I normally sit on the beach.  As I was walking, I notice a part of the beach that was not very crowded.  I immediately found myself a nice little spot to camp out.  I had packed up a lunch and a book so I knew I would be good for awhile.  As the day went on, it started to get even busier on the beach.  By the time I left the beach, about 1:30, it was packed with families and people surfing, playing in the water, and laying out.  I got back to the car and found out it was about 75 degrees.  PERFECT WEATHER!  I was so glad I was able to spend time on the beach and not get too hot.
Fantastic weather, great book, and a good picnic lunch...the day was a success before 2PM.  After my time at the beach, I spent some time driving down the coast.  All of the little towns were crowded (must be what happens when the California weather is perfect) so I never ended up stopping anywhere but it was nice just to drive.  The rest of the day I spent relaxing.  All in all, it was a good Saturday well spent.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 84

"I'm sorry I'm a little late
You know the stripes on a tiger
Are hard to change

I know this world feels
Like an empty stage
I wouldn't change a thing
So glad you're back again

I'll never forget you
They said we'd never make it
My sweet joy
Always remember me"

---Noisettes, "Never Forget You"

I just finished watching the movie "Leap Year"!  What an adorable movie!  It is about a girl from Boston whose boyfriend is going to be in Ireland at a conference over Feb 29 (leap day) and it is apparently an old Irish tradition for a girl to propose to her man on this day.  She travels to Ireland but nothing goes as planned and she takes an adventure trying to get to Dublin in time to propose to her boyfriend.  I don't want to give away anything else for those of you that haven't seen it but it was super cute!  I'm glad I bought it for $2.50 at Blockbuster's going out of business sale.  Most of the movie takes place in Ireland and it made me want to visit.  Every time I see a movie or pictures of Ireland, it looks so beautiful!  I really hope that some day I will be able to visit and enjoy the beauty first hand.  I can remember this summer it seemed like everyone I knew was in Ireland.  I think I had at least 3 friends over there at one time.  All three of them said that they loved it and it was so beautiful.  It is definitely on my list of places to visit during my lifetime.

Since the girl in the movie is from Boston, it fits perfectly (well in my mind at least) into my picture of the day
I FINALLY GOT MY BOSTON MARKET MEAL!!!!! And man was it incredible!!!  I love Boston I got the pot pie, two sides (mac and cheese and baked apples), and cornbread all for only $8!  Not too shabby for California.  I am sure I will be hitting up the Boston Market a few more times while I am out here.  No plans this weekend so we will have to see what tomorrow brings me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 83

"Well I'm from Indiana
She made me what I've become
Everybody has their reasons
And one is always where they're from

Cause I'm gonna do exactly what I want
You can say that I'm the one to blame
Yeah I'm gonna do exactly what I want
And I hope you'll do the same"

---Jon McLaughlin, "What I Want"

Have you heard the new Jon McLaughlin song?? I have! In fact, I have a free download!  The lyrics above are from the new song.  Did you know he is from Indiana?  Here is a picture of me and Jon at a Tin Caps game last summer (09)...

I love that he sings songs about what he knows...He sings about Indiana (where he is from) and about things that have happened in his life.  One of my favorite songs by him is called "4 years" and its about looking back on when he was in high school.  He realizes that it is perfect to just be yourself and down the road, what clique you were in during high school really doesn't matter.  I think back on this song now that I am getting ready to graduate college...memories of the last 8 years of schooling make me realize that all of these experiences have brought me to where I am today.  They brought me to California where I am working for a fantastic company.  They brought me to graduation with a degree in Music Business Administration...right where I thought I would be.

I am so super excited about graduation weekend!  It is just around the corner...23 days until I am officially a college graduate (ok maybe not officially since I won't be done with my internship but still pretty darn close!)  Mom and I have been talking a lot about graduation weekend and it is making me so excited.  I can't wait to be back in Indiana to celebrate with my friends and family.  It is going to be such an action packed weekend.  I have family coming in from New York, New Jersey, and Canada (as well as those coming from Fort Wayne).  Not only are we celebrating my graduation that weekend, we are celebrating Mother's Day and I am glad I can be home to celebrate with my mother AND my godmother!  We are also celebrating my godmother, Aunt Ann's birthday and a slightly belated birthday to my godfather, Uncle John!  I can't wait to see what the weekend has in store....23 more days :-D Speaking of 23 more days...that means I will have been writing my blog for 106 days bu graduation day...CRAZY!  I never really thought I would keep up with it!  Can't slack off now!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 82

"And I hope you find it, what your looking for
and I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be, and so much more
and I hope your happy wherever you are
I wanted you to know that nothings gonna change that
and I hope you find it"

---Miley Cyrus, "I Hope You Find It"

Is it weird that I have found a love for planning?  I've never really realized how much planning I did in the past until recently.  I was sitting at my desk this morning waiting on a project and began planning Adam's trip to California.  He was telling me about places he wants to see while he is here and I automatically was trying to plan it all into the four days we have.  Not only was I coming up with when to do each activity, but I decided to create a spread sheet with ALL the details.  I began looking up directions to each place, hours of operation, how long it would take to go through, and how much it would cost.

When getting ready to move to California, I did planning of our drive out here.  Mom and I planned together but I put together a sheet that had all the hotels, how long it should take to get there, how many miles we would travel a day, and pretty much everything we needed to know for the trip. When did I become so involved with spread sheets and planning?!?!  I have no clue!  I did realize, however, that I have been doing this for a long time.  Just ask my mom.

Every time I wanted to do something, I would think about it from all angles before even bringing it up.  Especially during my concert days, if i wanted to go to a show, I would plan out all the details before even asking.  I would look up times, how long it would take to get there, print directions, and figure out how much it would cost to go...after all of this, I would write it all down for Mom and bring it to her.  It must have been hard to say no because I often got what I wanted and we went to the shows.  But not only did planning get me what I wanted, I always enjoyed figuring out the details.  This brings me to my want and need to do event planning or venue management today.  I think I will be really good at a job where I can plan the details and make sure everything goes as planned.  That's my plan...lets make it come true :-)

On a completely different note....a special congratulations to the newest members of the Lambda Lambda chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi...
Mateo, Brooke, and Manda are now my brothers for life...I know I don't know Mateo and Manda very well but I am here for all three of you (even from CA).  Proud to call all three of you brothers. AEA

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 81

"I'm reaching deeper down inside of me
For answers to questions honesty
I feel like I've fallen from a state of grace
I know that i cant run from my mistakes

Where do you go when you've gone to far
You open up your arms
I want to believe that love has the heart to
Take me home"

---Greg Raposo, "Take Me Back Home"

(This song is stuck in my head and I have no better song for today so there ya go!)

So the fight with the spiders seems to be far from over.  I don't know what it is about my apartment but apparently spiders love it!  This morning, while in the shower, I noticed a rather large daddy long-leg crawling around between the wall and the ceiling in my bathroom.  He was a quick mover and was too high for me to get to.  I watched him crawl around the walls before finally stopping over my sink.  As I finished my shower and opened the curtain, there was a daddy long-leg that was in the tub!!!!!  How in the world do these spiders keep getting into my apartment??  I hope I don't find any other spiders...Spindle is suppose to protect my apartment but I feel he is telling all his friends to come on in and party! Good thing I'm not terrified of spiders...although I'm not a big fan of them crawling around my apartment at all hours.

Today, at work, I was working on lots of excel sheets.  Valentina, the woman in charge of all the housing for the trade shows, has very little knowledge of excel and so she is excited to have someone who knows more about excel than she does.  It has been a great learning experience for me because I am forced to try and remember things from my excel class to complete the tasks.  I never realized how many of the "strange" excel tasks I did in the class would actually be used on the job.  It makes me feel great to help finish tasks that Valentina can't get done.  I never knew I would enjoy using excel.

Now for a completely different topic...I think I'm addicted to Law and Order: SVU.  I LOVE this show!! I have been watching it most of the evening.  This may not come as a surprise to all of you...some of you already know that I am addicted.  This leads me to my picture of the day.
LOVE IT!!!!!!  It is my fall back show if nothing else is on TV...just like tonight! :-)  The other Law and Order's have nothing on SVU!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 80

"I've got sunshine
On a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside,
I've got the month of May.

Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl. (My girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl. (My girl)"

---The Temptations, "My Girl"

Only because it is stuck in my head and I'm not really sure why.

I am sooooooooo sleepy!! Woke up early this morning (after waking up several times during the night for reasons I wish I knew) to bring Dad to the airport before work.  I was super excited though because I was only about 3 minutes late to work and I drove all the way to San Diego and back!  This week I am working meetings and events again.  So far, I have been working on spreadsheets, spreadsheets, and more spreadsheets.  I am updating a lot of the hotel information for Anaheim because apparently it hasn't been done recently.  I am curious to know what else I may do this week.

Ok, enough stalling...Here is the moment you have ALL been waiting for...time to meet my roomie!  Are you ready?

I can't hear you!!! Are you ready?????

Introducing the one, the only...
SPINDLE THE SPIDER!!!!!!!!! it is hard to tell just HOW big he is but trust me when I say he is very large!  And if you don't believe me, ask my dad...he saw him in person!  Since I never caught him, he has moved back outside all on his own and has become my attack spider!  I expect him to watch over my apartment at night and attack any unwelcome visitors.  He seems willing to do this for me.

So there you have have all met Spindle :-)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 79

"Hey, everybody, let's have some fun
You only live but once
And when you're dead you're done, so

Let the good times roll, let the good times roll
I don't care if you're young or old
Get together, let the good times roll"

---BB King, "Let The Good Times Roll"

Dad and I have had a very fun filled weekend!  I am sad to see it end and to see him go home in the morning.  Yesterday, we spent most of the day at Balboa Park in San Diego with my cousin Steven.  We started off my visiting the zoo.  I have to agree with everyone who has told me that it is the best zoo in the world...I LOVED it!  They have such a variety of animals and the setting is so different than most zoos.  I love that the zoo is built into the hills of San really creates a workout when walking around.  After seeing just about everything there is to see at the zoo, we decided to walk around Balboa Park.  Steven showed us the rose garden and the cactus garden.  We also saw all of the cool architecture and buildings that house museums in the area.  After all of that, we went on an adventure to somewhere to eat.  Steven suggested that we check out Coronado.  We found a great seafood restaurant that looked across the water on downtown San Diego.  We had an awesome meal.  I had Lobster Ravioli; Dad had crab stuffed prawns, and Steven had scallops!  It was great to sit around and let Dad and Steven catch up and listen to old family stories.

When we got home last night, Dad met my roomie.  Spindle happened to be outside in his web.  We have decided that he is my attack spider and that he now protects me in my apartment.  I am perfectly happy having him around as long as he is not IN my apartment :-)  I even remembered to get a picture...HE DOES EXIST!  The picture doesn't really show how HUGE he is but I promise...he's a big boy...and apparently my phone and my computer are not cooperating right now so I will have to post the picture of Spindle later.

Today, Dad and I drove up to Claremont, California to visit his friend Gayle Kelley who was visiting some friends.  We went to Gayle's friend's house and were treated to a wonderful pancake meal with their family.  It was great for Dad and Gayle to catch up and I enjoyed hearing more stories from where my dad was younger.  Also, Gayle has worked a lot in the music industry and had some great stories.  Her and her partner, Jimmy Lockett sang at my parent's wedding and had a great act for many years.  It was great talking to someone who seems to have fulfilled all of her dreams in life.  She has had many different careers and seems to be perfectly content with her life so far.  This evening, Dad and I took in some NY pizza at Brooklyn Brothers Pizza...(highly recommended by my landlord) It certainly did live up to expectations! It is run by two brothers from Brooklyn (imagine that!) and they do pizza by the slice as well as many other things.  Dad and I tried 3 slices of pizza, pepperoni, everything, and lasagna.  I didn't try the everything but the first two were great!  We even each brought home a to-go slice to eat a little later since we had gone to eat early.  Great pizza, great company, great weekend! Here are some pictures from the last two days...

It was a fantastic weekend.  I am sad to see Dad go but I know I will be home to see my entire family in less than a month :-)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 78

Quick post tonight so I don't get yelled at...had a wonderful day in San Diego with Dad and Steven.  Went to the zoo, walked around Balboa Park, and had a fantastic dinner in Coronado.  Pictures and a more detailed post will be posted tomorrow night :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 77

"London Broil going down
going down, going down
London Broil going down
my esophagus

London Broil setting off
setting off, setting off
London Broil setting off
the smoke detector

London Broil, it is good
it is good, it is good
London Broil, it is good
very yummy!"

---Annika and Gary Bugge, "London Broil" (to the tune of London Bridges)

Tonight, Dad taught me how to make my favorite meal...London Broil, baked potatoes (I love potatoes ;-)), and broccoli!  We decided to is our story...

There once was a piece of meat... was the color of a beat.

In order to remedy this color catastrophy...
Place in a tanning bed, so it comes out fantastically!

When this is complete...
It's ready to eat!

Oh Wait! We forgot to say...
Slice at desired angle to eat it today.

Now my friends, the time has come
Enjoy your dinner...and don't forget to say "YUM YUM!!"

I love to eat this delectable food... 
It always puts me in a fantabulous mood!

But when it was gone, this is what I said...
"You were delish London Broil, I now pronounce you dead!"

The story has ended...but there is one more tidbit to share
Install your smoke detector anywhere but there!

I hope you enjoyed my tale...
and you don't give me a big FAIL!

I wish I could stop typing in rhyme...
but it is so simple and takes little time.

For tomorrow's blog,
I promise to stop being a rhyming hog.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 76

"Since the day they got married,
He'd been praying for a little baby boy.
Someone he could take fishing,
Throw the football and be his pride and joy.
He could already see him holding that trophy,
Taking his team to state.
But when the nurse came in with a little pink blanket,
All those big dreams changed.

And now he's wrapped around her finger,
She's the center of his whole world.
And his heart belongs to that sweet little beautiful, wonderful, perfect All-American Girl."

---Carrie Underwood, "All-American Girl"

Tonight's post is completely dedicated to the fact that I am getting ready to go to the airport and pick up my Daddy!!!! Yes, I am 22 years old and I still call him Daddy!  Dad is coming to visit me in California and spend the weekend with me!  It has officially been 76 days since I last saw him and I am super excited to spend some quality time with him.
My dad and I have a very special relationship.  It all began when I came into this world 22 years ago (isn't that how most relationships with someone's father start?!?).  Dad called me this day I still don't really know what that means but I know everyone thought it was an interesting thing to say about a new baby girl.  Dad and I share a love for music and our beautiful blue eyes amongst other things!  I am affectionately called Dad's protector.  I couldn't ask for a better Dad and I can't wait to spend the next few fun-filled days with him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 75

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
(If you wanna make the world a better place)
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
(Take a look at yourself, and then make a change)
(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah)"

---Michael Jackson, "Man in the Mirror"

Idol update for the week...I chose this song because Jacob Lusk started off the night with it AND we all know how I feel about "Man in the Mirror" things.  OK, maybe not everyone knows but Mom does.  She told me I would love this song and guess what mom? I DID!!! Jacob did great this week!  EVERYONE killed it this week!  It is going to be a very hard decision with the way the performances are going right now.

I am amazed at how much American Idol has intrigued me this season.  In past seasons, I have watched an episode here and there but this season I CAN'T miss an episode!  At this time, I have my favorites but I have no idea who is going to win.  Everyone is so incredible and they all have their own style.  Pretty much every person brings something new to the table and maybe that is what I love about this season.  Not to mention that each contestant KNOWS music and you can tell.  They know what they are talking about.
Idol's Top 9 FTW!!! :-D

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 74

"I'm not a girl
There is no need to protect me
It's time that I learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than you know now
So don't tell me to shut my eyes

I'm not a girl, not yet a woman
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl"

---Britney Spears, "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman"

I just spent two hours watching the season finale of Teen Mom 2.  That show really makes me appreciate my family and friend.  To everyone who has been in my life over the last 22 years, THANK YOU! My life could have been far different.  I look back on the lives of these girls on this show and I am so glad that I grew up the way I did with people who love me and support me.  I can't even imagine having a child now, let alone when I was 16!  It really surprises me the kids who get pregnant and expect it to be easy.  I feel like I have a good head on my shoulders and I'm fairly stable in my own life...but I don't think I could care for a baby.  These girls are not stable, they do not have money, and some don't even have a real home and yet they are caring for a child when they are still a child themselves.  It just blows my mind.

Enough ranting and's a glimpse of my day at work today...
I pretty much was looking at a computer screen ALL day!  I sat at my desk doing various tasks for the PAGR department.  I never realized how difficult it is to sit at a desk ALL day.  I am glad that tomorrow I get to work in the museum for half of the day so I at least get a change of scenery.  Even with a long day at my desk, I still am LOVING my internship and everything that I have done so far has been awesome. :-)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 73

"Pink roses on a cloudy day
Can't think of better words to say
My mind is frozen I can't get away
From pink roses on a cloudy day"

---ISU Summer Honors 2010, "Pink Roses"

I was trying to come up with a song about flowers and this was the first one that popped into my head.  Oh the memories of Summer Honors.  One of the amazing memories of my time spent at ISU.  Now, back to the topic at internship!  Today I turned in my 4th report about my internship...that means I am beginning my 10th week at NAMM! TEN WEEKS!! I can't believe I have been working for ten weeks.  It seems like just yesterday that mom and I were packing up my car to begin our drive.  I am still working in PAGR this week.  I helped out with finishing the binders of information for the board meeting next week and began inputting data gathered from a clinic that has been taking place in different states with music educators.  The information is about how they recruit kids to remain in music throughout middle and high school.

After work, I finally decided to stop at the top of the hill and see the flower field.  BEAUTIFUL!!!  Hence the reasoning for a song about there were no pink roses and it wasn't a cloudy day but here are the pictures I took...some edited slightly...some not...

These "famous" Carlsbad Flower Fields are located on the hill right below my office building.  Yes, I have this view every day from my office building.  In the second to last picture, you can see the ocean in the distance if you look SUPER close!  It is really about 2 miles away but the picture makes it look much further.  Enjoy the feeling of spring...hope all the flowers back home are blooming soon!