Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 81

"I'm reaching deeper down inside of me
For answers to questions honesty
I feel like I've fallen from a state of grace
I know that i cant run from my mistakes

Where do you go when you've gone to far
You open up your arms
I want to believe that love has the heart to
Take me home"

---Greg Raposo, "Take Me Back Home"

(This song is stuck in my head and I have no better song for today so there ya go!)

So the fight with the spiders seems to be far from over.  I don't know what it is about my apartment but apparently spiders love it!  This morning, while in the shower, I noticed a rather large daddy long-leg crawling around between the wall and the ceiling in my bathroom.  He was a quick mover and was too high for me to get to.  I watched him crawl around the walls before finally stopping over my sink.  As I finished my shower and opened the curtain, there was a daddy long-leg that was in the tub!!!!!  How in the world do these spiders keep getting into my apartment??  I hope I don't find any other spiders...Spindle is suppose to protect my apartment but I feel he is telling all his friends to come on in and party! Good thing I'm not terrified of spiders...although I'm not a big fan of them crawling around my apartment at all hours.

Today, at work, I was working on lots of excel sheets.  Valentina, the woman in charge of all the housing for the trade shows, has very little knowledge of excel and so she is excited to have someone who knows more about excel than she does.  It has been a great learning experience for me because I am forced to try and remember things from my excel class to complete the tasks.  I never realized how many of the "strange" excel tasks I did in the class would actually be used on the job.  It makes me feel great to help finish tasks that Valentina can't get done.  I never knew I would enjoy using excel.

Now for a completely different topic...I think I'm addicted to Law and Order: SVU.  I LOVE this show!! I have been watching it most of the evening.  This may not come as a surprise to all of you...some of you already know that I am addicted.  This leads me to my picture of the day.
LOVE IT!!!!!!  It is my fall back show if nothing else is on TV...just like tonight! :-)  The other Law and Order's have nothing on SVU!

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