Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 85

"And I'll take ya' boogie boardin' with me
'Cause when we're surfin' it's so great to be free
And when you're on a California beach
You might even find 'em windsurfin' too

California callin'

I'll be there right away
There's some beautiful women
Gonna find me one
To show me how to ride the ultimate wave"

---The Beach Boys, "California Calling"

Today was the most amazing California weather day.  I woke up early (not on purpose) and got ready to head to the beach.  When I left my apartment it was about 65 degrees...I got down to the beach and it was PACKED!  I was driving down the coast to where I normally park and it was tough to find a was earlier in the day, I figured I wouldn't have an issue.  Finally, I found a spot but I was worried I was going to have to walk FOREVER to get back to where I normally sit on the beach.  As I was walking, I notice a part of the beach that was not very crowded.  I immediately found myself a nice little spot to camp out.  I had packed up a lunch and a book so I knew I would be good for awhile.  As the day went on, it started to get even busier on the beach.  By the time I left the beach, about 1:30, it was packed with families and people surfing, playing in the water, and laying out.  I got back to the car and found out it was about 75 degrees.  PERFECT WEATHER!  I was so glad I was able to spend time on the beach and not get too hot.
Fantastic weather, great book, and a good picnic lunch...the day was a success before 2PM.  After my time at the beach, I spent some time driving down the coast.  All of the little towns were crowded (must be what happens when the California weather is perfect) so I never ended up stopping anywhere but it was nice just to drive.  The rest of the day I spent relaxing.  All in all, it was a good Saturday well spent.

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