Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 87 and 88

"I miss you like crazy
I miss you being my baby
Tell me when you're comin back home
I miss you like crazy
I miss you being my baby
Tell me when you're comin back home"

---Dream, "I Miss You Like Crazy"

I almost thought I got away with not posting yesterday...but then I was caught!  Last night, after work, I went over to Bonnie's house for dinner and Dancing With The Stars with her and Holly!  In case you have no idea who I am talking about, Bonnie is someone I work with and Holly is her daughter.  They invite me over once in awhile which is really nice to go to someone's house and eat dinner with them.  It gets a little lonely eating by myself every night.  Bonnie made some amazing homemade mac and cheese, chicken, banana muffins, salad, and fresh baked cookies!  It was scrumdiddlyumptious!  She even gave me some mac and cheese, muffins, and cookies to bring home!

This week I am working in the Trade Show Sales department.  I really like the way they have me set up.  I have my own desk down in their office where I can set up and then I am working with each person in the department to really learn what they do.  Instead of just being given a task and going off on my own to work on it, each member of the department is running me through their daily activities.  Not only does it show me what it is like to work in that job, but it gives me some experience with programs and things I never would have gotten to do otherwise.  I am learning all the steps for selling a space for the trade show.  I will get to work on finding new companies to exhibit at the shows, sit in on sales calls with our top rep, learn how to prep and process applications that have come in, learn how to process all of the money and fees, work on sending out visa letters to people come into the country from overseas, and many other smaller tasks too.  Although I do not really want to work on sales, it is growing on me a little bit.  I would never want to be a sales rep but working on processing all the information and helping to put things together is right up my alley with the planning.

As I am sitting here typing this out, storms are pounding the midwest...
Ok, so this picture probably wasn't even taken today OR in the midwest but I thought it was cool and got my point across.  I've been hearing and seeing tornado warnings and watches as well as tons of hail and high winds.  I am thinking of everyone back home and just want everyone to stay safe in the crazy weather.  It's funny...I was talking to someone yesterday about how I like to watch storms roll in.  She said there is not much to see out here in California and the more I think about it, I haven't heard a single clap of thunder the entire time I've been out here.  I have seen ONE flash in the sky and I can't be sure that it was actually lightning.  I miss storms...not like the crazy one that is hitting home right now, but the storms with rain, lighting, and thunder.  It makes me think of my trip to Europe and the night Jamie Steeg and I stayed up late sitting on our balcony bundled up in our comforters, watching the storm roll over the mountains in Switzerland.  As it got closer to us, we moved closer and closer under the overhang and eventually ended up sitting in the bathroom window so we didn't get wet from the rain.  That is one memory I will never forget.  I would love to go back to Switzerland and relive that moment sometime in my life.

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