Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 130

"Rock-a-bye, baby
In the treetop
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
And down will come baby
Cradle and all"

---Every mom singing to their baby, "Rock-a-bye Baby"

I find this to be a very interesting lullaby since the baby is in the cradle that falls out of the tree!  Why would a mom want to sing about falling out of a tree to their child?  It just does not make sense.  Wouldn't that hurt?  Falling out of a tree, I mean?!  To me, the mother is the primary protector of the child.  Listening to nursery rhymes is really interesting once you start to listen to exactly what is being said.

And the reason for this sudden realization about nursery rhymes and lullabies...I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy today and I have no clue why!  I am pretty sure that I was ready for bed by 6PM...but I am forcing myself to stay up because other wise I would be waking up at some extremely early hour and it would just make me more tired tomorrow night.  Oh the joys of not being able to sleep in.  Ever since I moved to California, I haven't been able to sleep past 8:30AM no matter when I went to bed!  And often time 8:30 would be the second time that I woke up that morning.  This blog can't at ALL be interesting today.  Sorry for that!

Ok...I think I have stalled long enough...time to hit the hay...
(I take zero credit for this drawing although I think it is pretty clever) Hit the hay...how in the WORLD does that mean you are going to bed? Have no fear...I know you were wondering that exact thing...and I have the answer for you!  Beds used to be made out of hay and so obviously...hitting the hay meant going to lay down in your bed made of hay!  OK...so that was an easy one but I still think it is a strange phrase.  And I still don't understand why a mother would want to sing to their child that the cradle is going to fall out of the tree...thoughts? discuss!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 129

"You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe
(miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to life
That taking a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe"

---Myra, "Miracles Happen"

What an exciting day it has been.  It actually started last night, just as I laid down to go to sleep.  I turned off my light and tucked myself in when my phone started vibrating.  It was my brother.  Jeremy and Michelle were on the way to Dupont Hospital....I was hopefully going to have a new baby nephew very soon.  I received another call about 2AM that woke me up. I had a new nephew and everyone was doing fine.  Dean Lawrence Bugge was born at 4:19AM on May 30, 2011 (what would have been my grandma's 75th birthday).
Welcome to the world, Dean!!! You have already stolen a special place in my heart and it is going to be torture being away for another two months as you grow.  I can't wait to come home and meet you.  But until then, skype is a good supplement.  This afternoon, I skyped with everyone in the hospital and it ALMOST made me feel like I was there...

Logan was by far my biggest fan of the event but it was great to see everyone. (in this picture from left to right:  Andrea Hunley, August Hunley, Ryan Hunley, Logan Mac Bugge, Gary Bugge, the right side of Diana Yngstrom-Bugge, and the right arm of Jeremy Bugge)

On another note, I went to see Bridesmaids this afternoon with a few ladies from work and it was a lot of fun.  The movie was hilarious and the company was great too.  This evening, I am heading down to San Diego to hang out with my cousin, Steven, to have a picnic AND to watch some Memorial Day fireworks.  Speaking of Memorial Day, today may be considered the start of summer for many people but it also represents the many people who have lost their lives while fighting for OUR freedom.  Thank you to ALL of the service men and women.  Without your contributions, life as we know it would be completely different.  I am thankful and proud to be apart of this country.  Thinking of all of our fallen soldiers today.

So as you can see, it has been a busy day...and it's not even over yet.  Leaving shortly for San Diego (I had to write this before I left because I wont feel like it when I get home).

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 128

"If I told you what it takes
to reach the highest high,
You'd laugh and say 'nothing's that simple'
But you've been told many times before
Messiahs pointed to the door
And no one had the guts to leave the temple!

I'm free-I'm free
And freedom tastes of reality
I'm free-I'm free
And I'm waiting for you to follow me."

---The Who, "I'm Free"

Today was a momentous occasion...(is that really how you spell momentous? it looks really weird...) it was my final Sunday in the museum!!!  From now on, I am like a normal person and have 2 day weekends! WOOHOO!!  It will be sad not to have that extra money deposited into my account twice a month BUT I am excited that I have two days off in a row to explore.

For those of you that don't know, the museum is closing down from June 1-August 20 for a major remodel!  This means that the entire museum and store will be closed for 2 1/2 months.  I think it is going to be odd not having to go to work on Sunday's at first but I am really hoping that it gives me more time to do things in the SoCal area before my internship is over.  I only have 57 days left in my internship...then its "bye bye" California and I will be on my way back to Indiana.  I don't even want to think about it.  Looking forward to these next 57 days :-D

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  Let's remember all those who have served and are serving.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 127

"These are the days I will treasure
And these are the days I will remember
No matter the pain that I've been through
These are the days"

---VFactory, "These Are The Days"

Some days I regret saying that I am going to blog every day....once again I can't think of anything to talk about.  And when I sit here and babble about nothing, I feel like whoever might be reading this is going to be completely bored out of their minds...well...are you?  I hope not!  I have never been able to keep a "diary" and this blog is the first thing that I have completely kept up with.  I hope that I can look back on my blog and remember all the incredible experiences I had while living in California. But then there are days like today...I was up at 8AM not being able to sleep anymore, went to the bank, walked around downtown, then went food shopping, came home and cleaned my apartment.  WHAT is exciting about my day? Nothing...
I spent much of the evening (while cleaning) watching Lifetime...its ADDICTING!!!  I never plan to watch but then I turn it on, and one of the movies catches my attention, and I'm hooked! Three movies later...I'm still watching....lol

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 126

"When this Boy Meets World
Boy Meets World
Wandering down this road, that we call life
Is what we're doin'
It's good to know I have friends that will always
Stand by me
When this Boy Meets World."

---Boy Meets World Theme Song 

T.G.I.F.  Remember TGIF on ABC?!  Friday nights are just not the same any more. My favorite part of Friday was tuning in to all of the awesome shows on Friday nights!  The four shows I specifically remember are Boy Meets World, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Teen Angel, and You Wish. OH YEAH and Two of a Kind in the later seasons of TGIF.  Friday's were also pizza night in our house.  Dad would (and still does) make Boboli pizza for the family.  Often times, if I had friends over for a sleepover, we would eat one of my other favorites...hot dogs, mashed potatoes, and peas!  After dinner, I would curl up with mom in her bed and watch TGIF.

One of my most vivid memories of watching TGIF was when my friend Emma would come over.  She loved to come over and spend the night.  But it just so happens that for several sleepovers in a row, the SAME Boy Meets World episode would be on TGIF.  It was a scary episode and we would always curl up under the covers and watch.  We always said it was our least favorite episode because we didn't want to be scared but I think we secretly liked it.  But to tell you the truth...I just found the episode on youtube and it still gives me chills...it is almost like nothing has changed!  I miss those days!
I always hoped my life would be like the characters of Boy Meets World when I was in high school..I don't think it quite turned out like that but I wouldn't change my high school experience for anything :-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 125

 "I'm taking my time
I've made up my mind
It's you I'm needing
You I believe in
It's love forever and a day

Said your love was never ending

But it slowly disappeared
I know you want my heart
But a friend is all I need

Cos this love on the outside

Is all I can give
But this love on the inside
Needs some place to live
If I give you my heart
Would you give it a home
Cos this love..."

---BBMak, "Love On The Outside"

I finally am getting to my blog in a timely manner and I have writers block!  I cannot think of anything exciting to write about.  Work today was typical...but it is exciting that tomorrow is Friday, jeans day, free breakfast day, AND retirement day!  I don't think I have written about this yet so I guess today is the day.  Every month, there are staff members who are assigned to "kitchen duty."  This entails making sure that the kitchen does not become a complete mess throughout the month AND fixing breakfast for the office on the last Friday of the month.  Since tomorrow is the last Friday of May, it's free breakfast day!!!  I think we are having breakfast burritos!  Tomorrow is also the final day of work for two members of the NAMM staff.  Dianne, who works in trade show exhibits, is retiring tomorrow.  Melanie, who is the head of the contact center, is moving to Northern California.  When someone leaves NAMM, we have a little going-away get together and since Dianne and Melanie's last days are both tomorrow, we are having a combined party.  It should be a good day at work.

Now that I have told you all about tomorrow, I hope that I have something to talk about tomorrow.

AND NOW...for those of you that are wondering who won American Idol...since I wrote my blog before the verdict was in yesterday....the winner was...
SCOTTY MCCREERY!!!!!!!!! I think he will have a long career in the country market!  Whether he is able to maintain a mainstream career will be interesting to see but I think that the country market will be very accepting of Scotty's music! Way to go, Scotty!!!! And way to stay classy Lauren Alaina who took Scotty's win very well :-D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 124

"People always say
I have a laugh like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile when things get rough
I've got her spirit, she's always got my back
When I look at her I think I want to be just like that

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does"

---Lauren Alaina, "Like My Mother Does"

Blogging and I are just not getting along this week!  I was really going to write a good blog tonight...but I got caught up and now the Idol finale is on and I'm completely distracted!  The final two, Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreary have been two of my favorites since the beginning.  I know that both of them are going to have long careers and it doesn't really matter who wins tonight. 

It has been extremely hard watching this finale 3 hours after everyone else.  I can't get on facebook...I was going to look for a picture of Lauren and Scotty to put as the picture of the day and I can't even do that because if I search on google I could see who wins (aka no picture today...but I posted 4 yesterday...that should count for something, right?)  Either way...I am happy for everyone who was on this season of American Idol!  There was so much talent and so much diversity.  I am actually looking forward to checking out next season to see if they can keep the talent coming.

American Idol FTW!! (that's "for the win" for those of you un-cool people who don't know that abbreviation lol)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

122 and 123

OK...so I know I said I would fill you in on everything from the last two days tonight...BUT...these season finales are calling my name and I am not sure I can type a comprehensive blog while watching....so here is a quick update...Last night I went to Anaheim to hang out with Adam Tyler and see Mark Russell perform. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! Here are some pictures from the night...
-Adam and I waiting to go in for the show-
 -Mark and I after his awesome performance!-

Mark invited Justin Thorne (previously in the band NLT with Kevin McHale aka Artie from Glee) up to perform a song called "She Devil" with him.  Justin also produced Mark's new single which is due out on iTunes either this week or next!

So that's last night in a nut shell...tonight was spent catching up on the season finales I missed last night and now watching tonight's!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 121

"I've been everywhere, man.
I've been everywhere, man.
Crossed the desert's bare, man.
I've breathed the mountain air, man.
Of travel I've had my share, man.
I've been everywhere.

I've been to:
Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota,
Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota,
Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma,
Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma,
Bangor, Baltimore, Salvador, Amarillo,
Tocapillo, Baranquilla, and Perdilla, I'm a killer."

---Johnny Cash, "I've Been Everywhere"

Today I went back to my childhood....or rather my brother's childhood (I was a playmobile kid)!  I spent the afternoon at LEGOLAND!!!!!  My original plans for today fell through so I decided to take the extra time to check out LegoLand!  It still amazes me that so many things can be made out of legos.  I am pretty sure that if you name it, someone out there can make it out of legos.  I felt a little awkward going to LegoLand alone (especially since pretty much everyone had children with them) but it was still a good time.  Here are some pictures of the places I was transported to through lego creations...

I went to see the Star Wars Characters...
To San Fransisco...
Los Angeles...
New Orleans for Mardi Gras...
The Taj Mahal....
Sydney Opera House in Australia...
Paris...France (not IL or London)
Mt. Rushmore...
AND Washington DC!!!!
All in all...it was a fun time and I am glad that I finally made it over to LegoLand (it's located like two seconds from my work...literally!  I even parked at NAMM and walked over there)

Now a warning for tomorrow...THERE WILL BE NO BLOG!!!! I am going up to Anaheim after work and probably wont be home until late...so I will post all about my adventures with my blog for Tuesday! :-)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 120

"Meet the Mets, meet the Mets,
Step right up and greet the Mets.
Bring your kiddies, bring your wife,
Guaranteed to have the time of your life.
Because the Mets are really sockin' the ball,
Knockin' those home runs over the wall.
East side, West side, everybody's coming down,
To meet the M-E-T-S Mets, of New York town.

Oh, the butcher and the baker and the people on the streets,

Where did they go? To MEET THE METS!
Oh, they're hollerin' and cheerin' and they're jumpin' in their seats,
Where did they go? To MEET THE METS!
All the fans are true to the orange and blue,
So hurry up and come on down -
'cause we've got ourselves a ball club,
The Mets of New York town!"

---Ruth Roberts and Bill Katz, "Meet The Mets"

Last night was the first game in the Subway Series (AKA the NY Mets v. NY Yankees) and a rivalry that hits home for me.  I would assume that most of you reading this blog know all about my baseball loyalties but in case you don't, my entire family are HUGE Mets fans!  I attended my first Mets game when I was less than a year old...or maybe I was just over a year old?  Either way, it was at the very beginning of my life.  I was brought up to love the Mets and despise the Yankees...the way all good Mets fans should.  One of my favorite memories about the rivalry within my family was our December trip to New York City in 1998.  We went to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular just before New Year's Eve.  It was FREEEEEEEZING outside and my cousins and I happened to be wearing leggings.  As we were shivering while walking around downtown, our family decided they needed to find us something warmer to wear.  Out of all the stores in the Times Square area, the only sweatpants that they could find that were small enough to fit us were YANKEES sweatpants.  We were told that we were allowed to wear them but there would be no documentation of us wearing the pants and that we were to get rid of them as soon as we got home.  After that trip, I never saw those sweats again.

The rivalry has been renewed for me because my boyfriend, Adam, is a Yankees fan. I KNOW, I KNOW...why am I dating him, right?  It has been a point of interest  for our relationship from the beginning.  I do think that I have a stronger hate for the yankees then Adam has for the Mets though.  I am pretty sure that Adam only hates the Mets because I like them.  In fact, he has bought be majority of the Mets garb that I have these days AND he has taken me to a Mets game and we are going to another when he comes out here to visit.  He even owns a Mets hat!  I do not own ANYTHING Yankees and we have never been to a Yankees game.  I am happy to keep it that way.

Anyway, back to the Subway Series...
The Mets won yesterday's game which was super exciting.  The Yankees were lucky enough to take today's game so I guess it all comes down to tomorrow afternoon's game... LET'S GO METS!!!!!!!!  They are clearly the cooler team...I mean what could be cooler than Mr. Met...
Isn't he just the cutest?!?!?!  The Yankees don't even have an awesome mascot!  Plus, the Mets are generally the underdogs...it is always more fun to root for the underdogs and have them win!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 119

"On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze."

---Every little kid when eating spaghetti for dinner, "On Top Of Spaghetti"

Anyone else used to sing that song when they were little?  I remember thinking that it was one of the silliest songs ever.
Can you guess what I had for dinner???  My FAMOUS (well famous in my family at least) spaghetti!  I am proud of myself because I was able to cook for one with just about enough left over for lunch tomorrow!  Normally when I make spaghetti, I end up making it for an entire army instead of the few people I am actually feeding.

Apparently tonight's blog is going to be pretty much completely about my spaghetti because I can't come up with anything exciting to talk about.  Tomorrow I have a VERY busy day at the museum...I am told we have 3 tours (one of which is 150 kids) and two recitals (on top of our normal crowds).  I guess my only Saturday in the museum will be an interesting one!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 117 and 118

"Walking down a misty road into the unknown
Heavy winds may blow into our faces
You can't kill the dream in killing the dreamer
Can't tear it down
Someone carry on

Dreamers come and go

But a dream's forever
Freedom for all minds
Let us go together
Neverending ways
Got to roam forever
Always carry on"

---Avantasia, "Into the Unknown"

For the past 22 years, I have known what comes next.  When I was 5, I knew I would be going to kindergarten; when I was 12, I knew middle school awaited me; when I was 14, high school was calling my name and when I was 18, college was where I was headed.  Now, I am 22 and I have NO idea what the world holds for me.  I have been thinking a lot about the future.  I mean that's what you do when you are a college graduate, right?  In two short months I will be done with my internship and out in the real world.  But where do I go from here?

I have been going back and forth with my options from here.  Do I search for a full time job somewhere?  Do I go home?  Do I search for a job in CA or try to search closer to my family and friends?  Do I do something crazy like work on a cruise ship?  I have NO clue where I want to go.  It is scary that I only have two months to make a decision that will affect the rest of my life.  Whether I realize it or not, I am shaping the rest of forever right now.  Every move that I make is a step towards where I will end up some day down the road.  Scary.  I know I will make the right decision for me when it comes down to it but sometimes I wish I had someone to tell me what I need to do.  Until now, it has been pretty much law that I go to school.  I wasn't forced to go to college but I always knew that I would go to college and earn my degree.

I don't know where I am going to be in two months...but when I know, I promise I will let you all know.  I feel like I am looking into a black hole...
and I hope that black hole becomes clear soon.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 116

"It's been a week since I've heard your voice now
You know it seems like a hundred years
It's hard to sleep it's a bit alarming
I'm a mess when you're not here
And it's a simple curse
I'm not the first oh but it's a vicious hurt
And it just gets worse

Oh because you know me well
Like a child knows a mother's face
Oh and i don't have to tell you that you've got my heart
You've got my heart in chains
Tears on my pillowcase yeah yeah
I don't want it any other way"

---Kate Voegele, "Heart In Chains"

Random question of the day:  Is chili considered soup?

Today's lunch sparked some interesting conversations among the NAMM staff....We had quite the conversation about whether chili should be considered a soup or not...and if not, what is it considered?  Thoughts?!  We solve all the real problems of the world at NAMM!

On a completely different note...I want to wish a VERY happy 23rd birthday to my boyfriend, Adam!
Adam and I have been dating for three of his birthdays and I have YET to spend his birthday with him.  His first birthday that we were together during, I was in Sweden...the next year I was in Fort Wayne working (the school year had just ended and I had moved home) and this year I am in California!  One of these days I promise I am going to spend his birthday with him.  Maybe next year will be the year.  My number one wish for his birthday is for him to find a job and stop worrying about applications.  I think that would be the best gift I could give him (too bad I have no control over it).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 115

"Bermuda Triangle
It makes people disappear
Bermuda Triangle
Don't go too near
But she
Doesn't see my angle
And she thinks I'm being dumb
So Bermuda Triangle
Here we come!
Lying with my woman on
The island sand
I look up and see her with
A stranger, hand in hand
I see her sitting on his blanket
I see them going for a swim
And when I run to find my woman
I find her running after him!"

---Barry Manilow, "Bermuda Triangle"

I feel like NAMM has somehow been transported to the Bermuda Triangle the last few days.  I shared about the car from yesterday...we also had the building alarm go off Saturday night because some how the front door wasn't closed and someone walked in thinking our event was at NAMM and not at the library.  Today, I was sitting at the front desk when I started to smell something that reminded me of chlorine (and trust me...there is NO pool in or near the NAMM building).  The smell started to get stronger and soon started to smell like something was burning.  Turns out, a transformer had blown and was smoking and stinking up the mail level of the building!  We had to spend the rest of the afternoon with the front doors, the doors that lead to Armada, AND the side doors open in hopes of getting the smell out.  I am pretty sure it is still going to smell tomorrow.  Thank goodness we noticed and alerted someone fairly quickly because that could have easily turned into a fire.

As for the car...I don't know what exactly happened but I do know that the person who owns the car did show up to work today and they seem to be fine!  So that's a plus!  I just find it weird that all these strange things are happening in the same week.  One other strange thing, I am supposed to be working in the MarCom (Marketing and Communication) department this week...well half of the department (including the person who is in charge and has my jobs for the week) were out sick.  The other person that could give me jobs just got back from the fly-in and so he was not sure what needed to be done.  I was left on my own to get my own things done...I hope they have a job for me tomorrow!

While we are stuck in the the Triangle...
It was a beautiful day...this was taken during my lunch break....looking out towards the mountains from the balcony :-)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 114

"Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me"

---Burt Bacharach, "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head"

It was a very busy/interesting day at the museum today.  When I showed up to work, there were already 5-6 cars in the parking lot (odd because normally I am the only car in the lot when I pull in).  I went inside and found Alfi (who was in early) who told me that our first recital was starting at 10AM so they showed up at 9 to start setting up.  By the time I had finished all of the opening procedures, it had begun to rain and so we figured we would be busier than normal since people don't want to be outside in the rain.  After the first recital, we had a tour of 8 year olds coming through the museum for a birthday party.  Alfi and I enjoyed this because we actually had to be creative and (on the spot) make it a fun experience for the birthday girl and her friends.  Since we had two recitals, they could not have their drum circle where we normally hold it and so we had to brainstorm another place to put them.  We also had to work out timing so that the party was over by the time the second recital was starting.  It was fun and challenging to put it together on such short notice.  We got it done and everyone was happy and that is all that matters.

When I walked in this morning, Alfi told me that something very strange had happened that morning.  Apparently, there were several cars in the lot when she had arrived and after talking to the person in charge of the recital she quickly realized that one of the cars did not belong to them.  This car was in the lot with the driver side door WIDE open.  Alfi looked at the car and recognized it immediately.  She wasn't 100% but she was pretty sure the car belongs to someone who works at NAMM with us.  The guy, who is running the recital, did not want to go over to the car and so Alfi went over to the driver's side to check it out.  Luckily, no one was in the car but it was odd that the door was wide open.  We spent most of the morning trying to figure out why this person's car was in the lot and where they were.  Alfi tried to get a hold of the person but they never called back.  We also talked to Cathy (head of HR) and Carolyn (head of the museum) and finally decided that this person must have dropped their car off and was in a rush and didn't realize they never closed the door.  When I left this afternoon, we still haddn't heard from them though so I'm hoping that everything is ok.  It was just very odd that the door to the car was wide open and no one was around and they never called back.  If I ever hear exactly what happened I will fill you all in.

No picture today because I can't think of anything to post....I'll make it up to you later :-D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 113

"Sometimes it hits like a car crash, and its too late too reverse
Sometimes you make me a better person, sometimes you bring out the worst

Sometimes we get on like fire
Sometimes we stopping like rain
Just when I think that its over,over
You wave a white flag again

Everybody hurts just a little too much
Everybody hurts but its never enough
Its wonderful to fall
Its love and risk it all
I'd rather love just a little too much"

---Natasha Bedingfield, "Little Too Much"

Have you ever tried to sleep in and yet you still wake up?  I was so excited that I had nothing to do until 11AM today so I was going to sleep in a little and have a leisurely morning.  My body, apparently, had other plans.  Instead of sleeping in, I woke up EARLIER than normal...6AM.  Luckily, I went back to sleep but woke up again at 7AM.  I tried going back to sleep but just laid there and finally got up at 7:30AM...so much for sleeping in.

This afternoon, I went shopping at UTC (University Town Center in La Jolla) with Holly.  We had a good time, mainly window shopping, and eating cupcakes (it seems to have become a tradition!).  And this evening I took in a movie, "Something Borrowed".  I went to, what I assume, is the main theater in town and yet it was 7PM on a Saturday night and hardly ANYONE was there.  Up until right before the movie started I was the only one in my theater.  There must be another theater but I don't know where it might be.  It was also cheaper than going to see a movie at home!  How does that happen?  Anyway, it was a good movie but it made me miss my BFF and my boyfriend.  This whole being away from everyone is really hard some days.  But I know that I will see them soon enough :-)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 111 and 112

"Listen up I got something to say
I want to say it now before it's too late
It's important that you know just how I feel

I don't need to say, where I was or that I said

I don't have to defend myself
I'm not like that

It's not my fault, don't blame me

It's not my fault, saw it on TV"

---Youth Brigade, "It's Not My Fault"

IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!!
I tried several times to post a blog last night BUT Blogger was apparently not feeling it.  So I don't want to hear from anyone about how I didn't post a blog last night...

The last two days have been busy with lots of projects at work.  I got a lot accomplished but I am glad the week is over.  Today was gloomy and gray outside (May Grey and June Gloom time in CA) and it made me very sleeeeeeeeepy while at work.  The most exciting part of the day was....
GETTING MY PLASTIKLIPS IN THE MAIL!!!!!!!!! I know it doesn't seem exciting to all of you but trust me...Tony and I were very excited that the clips finally came in.  These clips are used for archiving because they are not metal so they do not rust.  I have been using them for anything and everything that needs to be kept together during my scanning project.  I bet you all think I'm crazy for being this exciting about little plastic clips but trust me...it is a very exciting day!

Other than that, I have been relaxing all evening and it has been wonderful...no obligations and nothing that I HAVE to do!  Tomorrow I am going on an adventure with Holly and then maybe to the movies because I really want to see the movie "Something Borrowed"  and Sunday I work!  The weekend will be over before I know it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 110

I don't know why...but I have nothing to say tonight.  I've been sitting here for a good twenty minutes and haven't come up with a single thing to blog about.  It may be because I am being distracted by the TV and several other things BUT it's no excuse.  I should have SOMETHING to say in my blog....and yet...here I sit with nothing..STILL! I thought if I began typing that something of substance might materialize.  But you are sitting here reading about nothing because I have nothing to say.  Did I mention that I have nothing to say? ;-)  And I'm amused if you are still sitting here reading this thinking that I might have a spark of brilliance out of nowhere.  I wonder how long I could go on and on and on and ON about nothing.  I remember when I used to start writing letters to my friends that had no point but I could keep them going for a full page (front and back) before I finally stopped rambling. 

There I go again...got distracted and it stopped me from continuing my rambling.  Whoever is reading this is probably thankful that I am distracted so they don't have to keep reading nothing....hmmm maybe I should post a picture...

Just a few pictures that were not posted on facebook from graduation weekend :-D

PS-anyone noticed I didn't post lyrics?!?! If I could come up with a song about nothingness than that would have been the song of the day...but, alas, I failed.  I sure hope you will forgive me.

AND THIS...ladies and gents....is the end of the blog for tonight.  Sorry if you feel I wasted your time.  Maybe tomorrow I will have something to say and it wont be so dull and boring.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 109

"And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day"

---Vitamin C, "Graduation (Friends Forever)"

Nearly four years ago, August 2007, I left home to begin a new chapter in my life.  I moved to Terre Haute, Indiana to attend college and major in Music Business Administration.  I left all of my family and friends in Fort Wayne and I really had no idea what I was getting myself in to.  I moved into Burford (a freshman living community dorm) early to attend band camp with the Indiana State University Marching Sycamores...on the first night, sitting in my room alone, a girl knocked on my door and asked me if I was going to the marching band meeting.  We had a lot in common, including our major, and Chels became my best friend.  At the meeting that night, I met many people who I would form great friendships with.  Chels introduced me to Jenny, a girl she knew from drum major camps, and we quickly became inseparable.  I made a lot of great friends that first year in the Burf. We had a lot of incredible times...duct taping Sara to the door, milkshakes after midnight, many late nights and sleep overs, and enjoying our new found freedom.  Even with all of the fun, being a music major was no easy task.  Classes were hard and lots of studying was done.  I also joined MIA (Music Industry Association) and got to know many other music business majors.  In January, I even got to travel to California for the NAMM show with other music business majors.
Jenny, Chels, and I freshman year in the Burf

Sophomore year was no easier but equally as fun.  I realized that I knew my limits and in the fall decided to rush Kappa Kappa Psi, a band fraternity that focuses on the service of the university bands.  That fall, I gained knowledge about the ISU music department and gained brothers that will last a life time.  My brothers in KKY are people I can always count on and I will never forget the fun we had and the services we provided.  In the spring semester, I began dating Adam Clawson.  I was never really sure that our relationship would last but here we are 2 years and 4 months (to the day) later still together and I don't see it ending any time soon.  I don't know how I would have gotten through my college career without his support and the support of my friends.  I took three trips during this school year through my major...one trip to Nashville to explore music city, a trip to California for the NAMM show again (this is also where Dr. Piechocinski planted the idea of possibly interning at NAMM my senior year), and a trip to Boston to represent ISU at the MEISA (Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association) conference.
Chels, Jenny, and I after a snowball fight our sophomore year

Junior year was my hardest year of classes.  I was taking 18 credit hours (the most you can take in a semester) plus an ensemble for no credit!  I was also enrolled in the class that really challenges students to see if music majors will make it....Music 350, Music History.  There were many ups and downs in the academic year including finally passing my piano proficiency, failing my 4th semester jury (by 1%), and a cheating scandal that could have gotten me kicked out of school (I was found innocent after a long grueling process).  Chels and I were also the president and vice president of MIA and had pretty much taken over the music business program.  In February, Chels had the idea to use our program's new recording equipment in order to record a compilation CD.  Now, on top of our class work, Chels and I began to put together an incredible project (way more work than we originally anticipated I think).  By April, we had created an idea, had auditions for bands, recorded six different artists, produced all the tracks, and put together a kick ass album.  Chels and I were the executive producers and spent long hours helping to create this awesome project.  SYCAMIX was released on the Friday before finals week.  I also traveled to California for the NAMM show (where I interviewed for my internship) and to Miami (for the MEISA conference again).
Jenny, Chels, and I preparing for dinner out in the fall of our junior year

After four exciting years, I was finally a senior!  This was, by far, the easiest year yet.  I learned a few weeks before move-in that I had the opportunity to be transferred to the Candlewood Suites due to over crowding in the dorms.  I took the chance and moved in with an awesome roomie (Kate Penn) for the semester.  I only had classes two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) which gave me tons of time to work on all my school work as well as enjoy my last semester on campus.  I was even able to do an independent study where I helped Dr. Piechocinski produce an event, Viva Piazzolla, at which I was the stage manager and made sure everything ran smoothly.  As the semester drew to a close, it was bitter sweet knowing I was done with classes but almost all of my friends were staying on campus the next semester and I would be moving for California.

It has been hard living all the way across the country while my friends enjoyed their last months on campus. I missed out on our amazing basketball team making it to the NCAA tournament for the first time in ten years and many other events and fun times. Sometimes I wish I were there with them but then when I think about it, I wouldn't trade this internship and opportunity to live in California for anything.  As graduation day grew near, I could not wait to go home for the weekend and see all of my friends and family in Terre Haute.  Four years of hard work is over and I have officially graduated from college.  Not only that...
I graduated with the girls I started with....Four years later, we are still best friends and we ended our journey the way we started it...together.  Thank you to everyone who was a part of my journey.  The memories I created at ISU will never be forgotten.  Now it is time to be a big girl and move out into the real world.  I have no idea where I am going to go from here but I hope I figure it out some time soon.  I am proud to have been a tree and my time at ISU, as well as the memories I made, will always hold a special place in my heart.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 105, 106, 107, AND 108

"Out upon the swelling breezes
Let our voices ring
As to thee our alma mater
Heartfelt praise we sing

Though the years to come may part us
Friends and comrades true
ISU our alma mater
Here's our pledge to you"

---ISU, "Alma Mater"

Oh my....I can't believe it has been four days since I last posted...and so much has happened!  I am officially a college graduate AND an Indiana State University Alumni...I've changed time zones 6 times (including the layover time changes) and I am not sure I even know what time zone I am in right now!  I have so many thoughts and feelings about these past few days that I am not sure I can put them all into words.  I'm also pretty tired (I didn't get home until after midnight CA time last night and had to get up and work in the morning) so I think I am going to leave my sentimental, look back at the last four years AND this past weekend until tomorrow's blog.

Until then...I received my first perk of being a college graduate today...
I'VE BEEN MOVED TO MY VERY OWN CUBICAL!!!!!!!!!! No more little desk...I have my own space!!!! OK so I wasn't moved because I'm a college graduate but it was a nice little start to my first day back.  They have actually been planning to move me for about a week but we finally got around to it.  I am excited to have my own little area with more room than my previous desk. :-) OK...like I said....more tomorrow...PROMISE!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 104

"In Mexico, we have a holiday
We celebrate in the month of May.
We tell the story of a battle fought in 1862.

Everybody sing:
Cinco, Cinco, Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco, Cinco, Cinco de Mayo.
Everybody sing, everybody sing, Cinco de Mayo!"

---Greta Pedersen, "Cinco de Mayo" 

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!  In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I considered writing this entire post in Spanish....BUT luckily for you, I am still trying to get some things done so I couldn't take the time to come up with an entire Spanish post! I think I pretty much have everything together for my journey tomorrow (which is a good thing since I have to leave the apartment at 5:50AM)!  I can't wait to get back to Indiana and see everyone :-)

Tonight, I celebrated the holiday by...
Eating a burrito at Rubio's!  It was de-lish and a good way to celebrate.  Well...I better get back to work so that I can make it to bed at a decent hour so I can wake up freakishly early!!!!!! SEE EVERYONE IN TERRE HAUTE!!!!!!!! And for the rest of you...see you when I get back to CA and catch up on the blog :-)