Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 105, 106, 107, AND 108

"Out upon the swelling breezes
Let our voices ring
As to thee our alma mater
Heartfelt praise we sing

Though the years to come may part us
Friends and comrades true
ISU our alma mater
Here's our pledge to you"

---ISU, "Alma Mater"

Oh my....I can't believe it has been four days since I last posted...and so much has happened!  I am officially a college graduate AND an Indiana State University Alumni...I've changed time zones 6 times (including the layover time changes) and I am not sure I even know what time zone I am in right now!  I have so many thoughts and feelings about these past few days that I am not sure I can put them all into words.  I'm also pretty tired (I didn't get home until after midnight CA time last night and had to get up and work in the morning) so I think I am going to leave my sentimental, look back at the last four years AND this past weekend until tomorrow's blog.

Until then...I received my first perk of being a college graduate today...
I'VE BEEN MOVED TO MY VERY OWN CUBICAL!!!!!!!!!! No more little desk...I have my own space!!!! OK so I wasn't moved because I'm a college graduate but it was a nice little start to my first day back.  They have actually been planning to move me for about a week but we finally got around to it.  I am excited to have my own little area with more room than my previous desk. :-) I said....more tomorrow...PROMISE!!!

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