Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 120

"Meet the Mets, meet the Mets,
Step right up and greet the Mets.
Bring your kiddies, bring your wife,
Guaranteed to have the time of your life.
Because the Mets are really sockin' the ball,
Knockin' those home runs over the wall.
East side, West side, everybody's coming down,
To meet the M-E-T-S Mets, of New York town.

Oh, the butcher and the baker and the people on the streets,

Where did they go? To MEET THE METS!
Oh, they're hollerin' and cheerin' and they're jumpin' in their seats,
Where did they go? To MEET THE METS!
All the fans are true to the orange and blue,
So hurry up and come on down -
'cause we've got ourselves a ball club,
The Mets of New York town!"

---Ruth Roberts and Bill Katz, "Meet The Mets"

Last night was the first game in the Subway Series (AKA the NY Mets v. NY Yankees) and a rivalry that hits home for me.  I would assume that most of you reading this blog know all about my baseball loyalties but in case you don't, my entire family are HUGE Mets fans!  I attended my first Mets game when I was less than a year old...or maybe I was just over a year old?  Either way, it was at the very beginning of my life.  I was brought up to love the Mets and despise the Yankees...the way all good Mets fans should.  One of my favorite memories about the rivalry within my family was our December trip to New York City in 1998.  We went to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular just before New Year's Eve.  It was FREEEEEEEZING outside and my cousins and I happened to be wearing leggings.  As we were shivering while walking around downtown, our family decided they needed to find us something warmer to wear.  Out of all the stores in the Times Square area, the only sweatpants that they could find that were small enough to fit us were YANKEES sweatpants.  We were told that we were allowed to wear them but there would be no documentation of us wearing the pants and that we were to get rid of them as soon as we got home.  After that trip, I never saw those sweats again.

The rivalry has been renewed for me because my boyfriend, Adam, is a Yankees fan. I KNOW, I KNOW...why am I dating him, right?  It has been a point of interest  for our relationship from the beginning.  I do think that I have a stronger hate for the yankees then Adam has for the Mets though.  I am pretty sure that Adam only hates the Mets because I like them.  In fact, he has bought be majority of the Mets garb that I have these days AND he has taken me to a Mets game and we are going to another when he comes out here to visit.  He even owns a Mets hat!  I do not own ANYTHING Yankees and we have never been to a Yankees game.  I am happy to keep it that way.

Anyway, back to the Subway Series...
The Mets won yesterday's game which was super exciting.  The Yankees were lucky enough to take today's game so I guess it all comes down to tomorrow afternoon's game... LET'S GO METS!!!!!!!!  They are clearly the cooler team...I mean what could be cooler than Mr. Met...
Isn't he just the cutest?!?!?!  The Yankees don't even have an awesome mascot!  Plus, the Mets are generally the is always more fun to root for the underdogs and have them win!!

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