Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 109

"And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day"

---Vitamin C, "Graduation (Friends Forever)"

Nearly four years ago, August 2007, I left home to begin a new chapter in my life.  I moved to Terre Haute, Indiana to attend college and major in Music Business Administration.  I left all of my family and friends in Fort Wayne and I really had no idea what I was getting myself in to.  I moved into Burford (a freshman living community dorm) early to attend band camp with the Indiana State University Marching Sycamores...on the first night, sitting in my room alone, a girl knocked on my door and asked me if I was going to the marching band meeting.  We had a lot in common, including our major, and Chels became my best friend.  At the meeting that night, I met many people who I would form great friendships with.  Chels introduced me to Jenny, a girl she knew from drum major camps, and we quickly became inseparable.  I made a lot of great friends that first year in the Burf. We had a lot of incredible times...duct taping Sara to the door, milkshakes after midnight, many late nights and sleep overs, and enjoying our new found freedom.  Even with all of the fun, being a music major was no easy task.  Classes were hard and lots of studying was done.  I also joined MIA (Music Industry Association) and got to know many other music business majors.  In January, I even got to travel to California for the NAMM show with other music business majors.
Jenny, Chels, and I freshman year in the Burf

Sophomore year was no easier but equally as fun.  I realized that I knew my limits and in the fall decided to rush Kappa Kappa Psi, a band fraternity that focuses on the service of the university bands.  That fall, I gained knowledge about the ISU music department and gained brothers that will last a life time.  My brothers in KKY are people I can always count on and I will never forget the fun we had and the services we provided.  In the spring semester, I began dating Adam Clawson.  I was never really sure that our relationship would last but here we are 2 years and 4 months (to the day) later still together and I don't see it ending any time soon.  I don't know how I would have gotten through my college career without his support and the support of my friends.  I took three trips during this school year through my major...one trip to Nashville to explore music city, a trip to California for the NAMM show again (this is also where Dr. Piechocinski planted the idea of possibly interning at NAMM my senior year), and a trip to Boston to represent ISU at the MEISA (Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association) conference.
Chels, Jenny, and I after a snowball fight our sophomore year

Junior year was my hardest year of classes.  I was taking 18 credit hours (the most you can take in a semester) plus an ensemble for no credit!  I was also enrolled in the class that really challenges students to see if music majors will make it....Music 350, Music History.  There were many ups and downs in the academic year including finally passing my piano proficiency, failing my 4th semester jury (by 1%), and a cheating scandal that could have gotten me kicked out of school (I was found innocent after a long grueling process).  Chels and I were also the president and vice president of MIA and had pretty much taken over the music business program.  In February, Chels had the idea to use our program's new recording equipment in order to record a compilation CD.  Now, on top of our class work, Chels and I began to put together an incredible project (way more work than we originally anticipated I think).  By April, we had created an idea, had auditions for bands, recorded six different artists, produced all the tracks, and put together a kick ass album.  Chels and I were the executive producers and spent long hours helping to create this awesome project.  SYCAMIX was released on the Friday before finals week.  I also traveled to California for the NAMM show (where I interviewed for my internship) and to Miami (for the MEISA conference again).
Jenny, Chels, and I preparing for dinner out in the fall of our junior year

After four exciting years, I was finally a senior!  This was, by far, the easiest year yet.  I learned a few weeks before move-in that I had the opportunity to be transferred to the Candlewood Suites due to over crowding in the dorms.  I took the chance and moved in with an awesome roomie (Kate Penn) for the semester.  I only had classes two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) which gave me tons of time to work on all my school work as well as enjoy my last semester on campus.  I was even able to do an independent study where I helped Dr. Piechocinski produce an event, Viva Piazzolla, at which I was the stage manager and made sure everything ran smoothly.  As the semester drew to a close, it was bitter sweet knowing I was done with classes but almost all of my friends were staying on campus the next semester and I would be moving for California.

It has been hard living all the way across the country while my friends enjoyed their last months on campus. I missed out on our amazing basketball team making it to the NCAA tournament for the first time in ten years and many other events and fun times. Sometimes I wish I were there with them but then when I think about it, I wouldn't trade this internship and opportunity to live in California for anything.  As graduation day grew near, I could not wait to go home for the weekend and see all of my friends and family in Terre Haute.  Four years of hard work is over and I have officially graduated from college.  Not only that...
I graduated with the girls I started with....Four years later, we are still best friends and we ended our journey the way we started it...together.  Thank you to everyone who was a part of my journey.  The memories I created at ISU will never be forgotten.  Now it is time to be a big girl and move out into the real world.  I have no idea where I am going to go from here but I hope I figure it out some time soon.  I am proud to have been a tree and my time at ISU, as well as the memories I made, will always hold a special place in my heart.


  1. Sorry there was a typo. Take 2!

    So I was going through old quotes that I kept and I found a couple really good ones that had us laughing for a long time! Here they are:

    "Nuhh uhhh I wasn't lol-ing! I was lqtm-ing!" (Annika)

    ABC....J...is easy as 123....4! (Annika, Britt, Chels, and Jenny :P)

    "Blue line Blue line Blue line, Flip turn! Blue line Blue line Blue line, Flip turn! O look, someone's waving at me!" (Mark)

    "I am not coming out of the closet, and I will proudly wear my moose slippers!" (Daniel Elliott)

    "He bruises like a peach!!" (Chels)

    "This little piggy eats meatloaf!" (Jenny Rose)

    "I'm going to have to find some time to get some grubbage before I go gallivanting into the sunset", "Well, that didn't put a hitch in my giddy-up!"(Kyle)

    Enjoy! They still keep me laughing!
