Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 132

"Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me"

---The Mamas and the Papas, "Dream A Little Dream Of Me"

Ever have a weird dream you wish you could explain but you can't?  I had one of those last night...or I guess it was this morning.  I woke up completely confused as I tried to understand what had just happened in my head.  From what I can remember (granted vivid memories of my dreams tend to fade fairly quickly after I wake up) I went to a grocery store to see a concert. This sort of makes sense because I did go to an autograph signing in a grocery store back in the day but this concert was with Mark Russell (makes sense since he was the last concert I went to) and it took place in the frozen food section. WEIRD...and pretty confined.  There is not really a lot of room to move around in a grocery store aisle.  As the show progressed, more people started showing up that I knew from various places.  Three of the four former members of the band NLT were also there and performed a song on "stage" with Mark.  After the show was over, we ended up hanging out in the store...near the produce if I remember correctly...and we ended up getting kicked out of the store because they were closing.  After that, my dream is a blur.  I know we hung out in the parking lot and decided to go to my house (in we must have been in Indiana) to hang out.  The next thing I remember, after driving out of the parking lot, is being in that lot when it is daylight and looking across the street at a huge Victorian mansion.
It looked quite a bit like this one.  The same coloring but I would have been looking at it from a slightly different angel because I was not looking at the front door.  I remember seeing lots of people outside and tables and balloons.  After watching the house for a few, I saw one of my co-workers from NAMM walking two huge dogs (I don't think she even owns any dogs!  Plus...if I was in Indiana the night before, how did she get there?).  She asked me to watch them roam the grounds of the house while she went inside to get ready for the party.  Shortly after this I woke up!

How am I suppose to understand what this dream means?  It makes absolutely NO sense to me!  I wonder if I will have any more strange dreams tonight.  Well...I probably will but I wonder if I will remember them the way I remember most parts of this dream 15 hours after I woke up!  It is odd to me that some dreams stick with a person while other dreams disappear the second I wake up.  Something to ponder I suppose....

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