Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 160

"Waiting, Wait, Waiting
Cause everybody's playing the waiting game
Waiting, Wait, Waiting
It doesn't even matter if
you both feel the same
Waiting, Wait, Waiting
Come on make your move, baby
you're driving me insane
Waiting, Wait, Waiting
Everybody's playing the waiting game"

---The Olsen Twins, "The Waiting Game"

OH YEAH! I went there...I chose a song by the Olsen Twins!  Does anyone else remember "School Dance Party"!??!  MAN I used to LOVE the Olsen Twins and their movies.  When "Passport to Paris" came out, my friend Katherine and I literally knew all of the words.  We would call each other after school, turn on the movie, and watch it together while reciting the lines....dorky...I know!  But it was so much fun when I was younger. 
Anyway...back to the reason that I chose this song...I'm WAITING for Adam to get here!!!!!  He plane is delayed out of Denver due to weather.  I should be just about getting to the airport right now to hang around and wait for him and yet he is still safely on the ground in Denver.  AHEM!!! EARTH TO DENVER...FREE MY BOYFRIEND SO I CAN HANG OUT WITH HIM!!!!!! Looks like it is going to be a long night of waiting.  We have a busy weekend so we need as much sleep as possible.  Oh well...I guess I should get back to waiting...and cleaning! C'MON ADAM!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

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