Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 146

"Baby, why'd you leave me, why'd you have to go
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I cant even breathe
It's like I'm, looking from a distance, standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now,
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream"

---Carrie Underwood, "Just A Dream"

I am supposed to write something of substance today...hmmm...where to go with this...I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday! Boy was I mistaken!!!  I think I have completely acclimated to the California weather.  I have starting thinking that a cloudy day is pretty much the end of the world!  I have realized that it is FAR easier to wake up on a sunny morning than when it is complete cloud cover.  This was complete cloud cover which made it so easy to stay in bed.  This, in turn, made me think it was the weekend and that I didn't have to get up.  I also had a dream about working in the museum right before I woke up and I think that may have scrambled my brain just a little bit when I woke up.  But have no fear...I figured it out rather quickly and went about my morning like normal.  The rest of the day was completely normal and I am just super excited that tomorrow actually IS Friday!  Looking forward to the weekend :-)

AND NOW...for the picture of the day...
HOW STINKIN' CUTE IS NEPHEW NUMBER TWO?!?!? this wasn't taken today but I just think he is so cute so I posted it anyway (and I had no other ideas for pictures lol)

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